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  • People defending volunteer soliders is just some of the craziest shit I've ever seen. Imagine if you applied any of this logic to cops, because that's what NATO troops are overseas. Going ACAB but defending volunteer soliders is straight up incoherent from an ideological perspective. They're not even conscripts. And the class character of the US volunteer army is wealthier than the average American. I'd imagine the same is true for most NATO volunteer armies.

    • "Um I NEEDED to kill that family for my college money, you stupid moral purist elitist. I'm the REAL victim here. "

      The absolute state of western leftism.

    • This is an amerikan website. Shit takes from chauvinists are to be expected.

      • I just don't understand it. I'm pretty sure no one on here is going to go defend old apartheid South African troops or the modern apartheid Israeli troops (and that's good, no one should defend them), yet those groups actually have more of an excuse than volunteer soliders as they're conscripts and were/are forcefully drafted.

  • I was just clearing out my inbox after the site migration and came across this exact struggle session from a year ago, the one that led to seven deadly sins getting kicked out. Kind of surreal to see it play out again.

    I think these circular arguments happening over and over is a reflection of our powerlessness. There's no organized revolutionary party, there's no party discipline, there's no political education. So we can just fight over hypotheticals that don't have any bearing on anything.

    There's no substantial left in the Imperial Core in large part due to propaganda and cooperation between the media class and the state, but mostly because people in the Imperial Core generally get a good deal from Empire. These questions can become relevant when more than just the very bottom (usually racialized) strata of our societies experience revolutionary conditions. Fortunately, that's coming.

  • so glad to see people on this website aren't completely insane, I feel comfortable telling you guys that I'm a Jewish American who volunteered for the IDF after my birthright. it's okay guys, the IDF gave me money and benefits for joining, and before joining my parent's income was $1 less than the mean income where this sort of thing is ok.

  • Let's take a quick overview of the twists and turns of the troop apologia pretzel:

    • Morality isn't real
    • Going after the troops makes you the real troop
    • What if the troops were trans, though?
    • What about 1917 Russia, which is basically the same as 2023 USA?
    • Did you know that troops can suffer too?

    Did I miss anything?

    Reminds me of when Stalin joked about killing all the Nazi troops and Churchill got incredibly, incredibly mad.

    Blaming everyone and everything other than themselves and refusing to face any consequences for their actions. I didn't know I was in postwar Germany.

    • Did I miss anything?

      You forgot the most classic ones

      • just following orders
      • they were conscripted
      • they didn't know that [insert country's military] doesn't actually protect people

      the 2nd one doesn't apply to amerikkka, which makes it worse since it means basically everyone volunteers for that shit.

  • You know, you really have to wonder when anyone can ever face any consequences for anything. After all, consequences are moralism and the victims are just uppity.

  • Where was the person yesterday that said Hexbear has shit takes and it makes them feel like shit? You don't have to go find me one I found it, it's right here.

    I have a number of comrades in my area who used to be soldiers. They were sold a lie and didn't feel like they had another choice. All of them, and I do mean all of them, were victims of the US military industrial complex. All of my ex soldier comrades are on a road to healing from that and it's a difficult one.

    This is like saying that people who work at WalMart deserve contempt because WalMart destroys towns, and by working for WalMart, they also destroyed those towns. It's ridiculous. It makes no distinction between career soldiers and people who join the military to be killers, and people who fall for the propganda and fall into the military because they feel like they don't have any other option. It completely and utterly ignores the material conditions that cause people to join the military in the first place, and that's why it's a garbage take. Just like people who work at WalMart as greeters and stockers and cashiers because they don't have any choice are different than people who live and breathe WalMart and make careers out of it.

    Anyway I'll go tell the trans ex soldier comrade sleeping in my guest room right now since they're between homes at the moment that some idiot online thinks they deserve contempt, even though they've spent well over a decade doing mutual aid in queer and trans communities in an attempt to heal themselves and others from the trauma they experienced at the hands of the US military industrial complex. I'm sure they'll take that well. Jk, I'll protect them with my life from idiots who want to hurt them. They've suffered more than enough.

    Hexbears learn the words restorative justice challenge: IMPOSSIBLE

    I regret making this post for one reason only: It reminds me why I left Hexbear in the first place. Just chock full of ultras who have never left their cozy lil burb, have never done any organizing whatsoever, have never confronted a single real world contradiction. How can you possibly hope to overcome capitalism, a system built from the ground up on contradictions that must be resolved, if you can't even see that working class exploitation exists outside of factory floors? The world is nuanced. Confront that nuance, tackle that nuance, work through that nuance. Real organizers are, it's what separates us from the terminally online.

  • at this thread getting over this many comments. Who could have seen it coming.

    For anyone who remembers how I was the last time there was a thread like this though, I'm less of an idiot about it :)

    But I'm also not getting into the weeds this time.