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67 评论
  • Only sneaky non-whites could trick a democrat into not wanting to murder thousands of children. Why yes we're the lesser of two evils.

  • The "funny" thing about this obviously fake narrative is that, even from a purely geopolitical perspective divorced from the ruling ideology of either countries, both Russia and China have everything to gain by the West and its compradors prolonging this atrocity since their positions have only been strengthened by it. I really doubt Putin's administration and, if we're being honest, the CPC will place the well-being of Palestinians above their own national interests.

    Not only does this suck the oxygen from Ukraine and the Taiwan Strait (both in terms of international attention and how much the US and friends can afford to pump money and surplus military stockpiles into), it's also discredits their rival bloc to the rest of the world as undemocratic, imperialistic hypocrites far more than anything before, even the so-called GWOT. Better yet, resistance forces in the poorest parts of the world humiliating the strained military industrial complexes of Israel and its sponsors has further shattered the illusion of them being anything other than a paper-tiger riding a diminishing wave of post-cold war inertia. This isn't something you want if you're trying to exert power over the rest of the world and its markets with thinly-veiled threats.

    If Pelosi and the other fossils running the show actually believed what they were saying (or took it seriously if they did), they'd urge a ceasefire to deny avenues to Russia and China to "agitate" Americans from the inside and weaken US power globally. But they don't, and other costs are easily outweighed by the cost of their West Asian settler-colonial project coming out of this genocidal "war" with little to show for it but broken egos, body-bags and the solidified status as a pariah state held up purely by brute strength.

  • Pelosi believing these protestors are funded by China when they're obviously not should be taken as a sign that she just assumes everyone is doing it because it's exactly what she's doing everywhere else... Thinking about that Taiwan visit.

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