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  • EDGE (enhanced display for environment)

    did not even try

    • whoops! that was our error! It's actually "Enhanced Display for Grocery Environment" which is at least an acronym. Fixed.

      • as a consumer, I love to be delighted by a grocery environment that only makes prices lower (than a baseline price Kroger themselves set based on factors like: lying about the impact of shoplifting; intentionally creating food deserts; colluding with other supermarket chains to keep prices high; vibes)

      • Still 1/5 acronym.

        • Word unrelated to displays or groceries
        • Secondary meaning as a sexual term
        • Already used by Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution which is itself a mediocre acronym at best
        • Two of the four non-particle words, "enhanced" and "environment" are meaningless filler only there to make the acronym work.