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1 yr. ago

  • Wait until we get the Strategic Ape Reserve, then you'll see!

  • Gromit facepalming (facepawing?) could be the techtakes mascot.

  • Different company, but GPT-5 is basically OT9, innit?

  • Yeah...that could be a real deal breaker. Doesn't this give them the right to MITM all traffic coming through the browser?

  • It looks fun!

    My inner grouch wanted to add:

    There were a metric shit ton of hand-crafted, artisanal, exhaustive full-text walkthroughs for the OG Pokemon games even twenty years ago. They're all part of the training corpus, so all you have to do to make this work is automate prompt generation based on current state and then capture the most likely key words in the LLM's outputs for conversion to game commands. Plus, a lot of "intelligence" could be hiding in the invisible "glue" that ties the whole together, up to and including an Actual Individual.

    I'd be shocked if this worked for a 2025 release

  • I hear you. I feel weirdly guilty about watching this coming for so long.

  • It's like...they're trying to do a Peronism by hijacking working class ideas for their weird right wing bullshit, but they're lazy computer touchers so they just seem unhinged to outsiders.

  • I know that Robot Hell doesn't usually allow humans but I bet the Robot Devil would make an exception for these two, if only for the cheap tech support.

  • I mean, the moon doesn't smell like the craft trailer, I'll grant you that, but the dirt is made of razor blades, which is bad.

  • Don't forget that the soil is incredibly toxic and that what little atmosphere exists smells like getting continuously Dutch Ovened forever

  • this whole “superbabies will save us from AI” presupposes that the superbabies are immune to the pull of LW ideas.

    Well, if they fall for less wrong, then we know they're not all that smart

  • What if HPMOR but Harry is Charlie Manson?

    --2025, apparently

  • Fascism is all about vibes with no underlying structure. AI slop satisfies that specification perfectly.

  • Speaking of non-german speakers, I hope poptart is doing alright. Haven't heard anything of him since the blackout.

  • I can't find the exact quote because google has decayed into hot garbage juice, but there's a line in Gideon the Ninth where Harrow asks Gideon how she thinks necromancy works exactly, and Gideon says something like, "I don't know, maybe you think about bones really hard until something happens?"

    That's how LW people think actual intelligence works.

  • A) True, though I got an older model on sale. That said, it is a tradeoff. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

    B) I'm an adhd caveman who came from a LightPhone II. It helps to have an appetite for mild annoyance when stepping outside the regular tech ecosystems.

    Edit: Apologies for sounding defensive, wanted to share my personal experience and ended up simping for software. @rook is 100% right that options are slim and fiddly!

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