Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie
Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie
Every Trump flaw must have an equal and opposite flaw in his rival.
Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie
Every Trump flaw must have an equal and opposite flaw in his rival.
They said scandals AND indictments. Republican nonsense is neither.
I interpreted the and in a different way than you.
Incorrect isn't a valid interpretation. They said scandals and indictments IN THE ADMINISTRATION. Republican nonsense is neither.
Biden is a part of his own administration. The accusation is that he colluded with is son in corruption.
Ah so the mask is off and now you're openly advocating for republican nonsense. You have lost this point. Take the L, son.
Browse this users comment history. They're a troll. Starvation is the move with that lot.
Ah so the mask is off and now you’re openly advocating for republican nonsense.
No? There is a difference between conveying someone's argument and agreeing with it. I understand ISIS's argument, I just don't agree with it.