House Republicans seek 80% cut to federal program for students from low-income families 1 0
What kind of offensive shit, exactly, do you hope to get away with?
House Republicans seek 80% cut to federal program for students from low-income families 0 2
Yes, what Republicans do is Democrats' fault🙄
Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie 3 2
Ah so the mask is off and now you're openly advocating for republican nonsense. You have lost this point. Take the L, son.
Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie 5 2
Incorrect isn't a valid interpretation. They said scandals and indictments IN THE ADMINISTRATION. Republican nonsense is neither.
Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie 5 0
They said scandals AND indictments. Republican nonsense is neither.
Anti-Anti-Trumpers Say the Character Issue Between Biden and Trump Is a Tie 22 1
They didn't ask for arguments, they asked for examples of indictments. Why are you presenting, as an answer to that question, examples that you're ignorant about?
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