Anon investigates a random goth girl
Anon investigates a random goth girl
Anon investigates a random goth girl
Lil tiddy supermarket goth girl sounds cute tbh, or maybe I just have a type.
Anyway, girls like this can be a real gem to find if you're a gooner. Their small fan base means if you're not a creep there's a chance of genuine interaction. She'll probably take request and if she likes you might even send you free content.
if you're a gooner
if you're not a creep
Good luck with that Venn diagram.
Hence all the ifs. But hey, the competition isn't fierce! Put the slightest effort into being self-aware, respectful, and charming and you can easily get her attention.
There's a whole ... sliver of us! I may not even be speaking of the royal "we"!
Would two circles on top of each other, but offset by 2 micrometers still count as a Venn diagram?
You mean singular circle?
Not just one. Two of them!
Obviously quite the opposite, I'd say.