Two conservative groups are asking a federal court to block the Biden administration’s plan to cancel $39 billion in student loans for more than 800,000 borrowers.
The number of times I've seen people complain about Biden not doing anything about student loans begs to differ. Republicans drag their feet or block, and democrats suffer for not doing enough.
While I understand your frustration and see that trend on a lot of topics with Republicans obstructing and Democrats taking the heat and I am sure there's a lot of rhetoric among loudmouths about this, surveys suggest most people know who to blame.
Exactly. Frankly, Democrats no longer need to cater to Republicans at all in order to win. They just need to inspire their own base, which if that excitement and energy is strong enough will sway some enlightened centrists over.
Don't get complacent; while the policy changes are rallying Democrats to vote in order to reverse them, they're also rallying Republicans to vote to keep the regression train going.