Two people were struck by lightning. News reported that both survived and are in stable condition.
Two people were struck by lightning. News reported that both survived and are in stable condition.
Two people were struck by lightning. News reported that both survived and are in stable condition.
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Ouch. Hopefully they didn't actually feel that. I didn't when it happened to me, either time. Conveniently woke up later.
This is just a reminder, that this is more likely to happen than winning the lottery.
And you don't even need to buy a ticket!
Either time.
You're saying that happened to you twice?
Yes. Witnesses figured I died each time. Temporarily paralyzed the first time and with a "missing" few seconds, knocked out cold the second time. I try to avoid thunderstorms these days.
I was gonna ask, where do you hang out for this to happen to you twice lmao.
Oklahoma, but different places and times of year.
No, just lucky I guess.
You out there flying kites tethered with piano wire on top of a skyscraper or something?
In Olde English 'Vraylle' surely means 'one who walks about carrying a giant metal rod in a thunderstorm'. That's got to be it.
Seriously, when you were told you had potential this is not how you were supposed to demonstrate it! I hope you're Ok and these incidents are just a good story you can tell now.
Ha! "Potential"
Yeah, was fine in both cases. First time it was cloudy but not storming. Literal "bolt out of the blue" that liked me more than the large metal pole next to me. Second was trying to leave a park before the storm rolled in (obviously didn't quite make it).
Did you get burned?
Some redness and temporarily paralysis, but nothing permanent, unless it's hidden in my brain. Disappointed I didn't get superpowers.
Oh that's good. I saw pictures of people with crazy lighting bolt burns on their body that looked like a tattoo. That's why I asked.