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VPS encryption
  • It depends what you want to do with it. If it's just for storing files/backups then encrypt them before uploading and make sure the key never goes anywhere near the VPS. If it's for serving up something like a simple website, you probably care more about data integrity than exfiltration, so make sure you have the security, including selinux or equivalent, locked down, and regularly run integrity checks. If it's for running something interactive, or where data will be generated or downloaded to the machine, you're out of luck, there's no even theoretical way of securing that against an adversary with that much access.

  • Trump’s own version of reality continues to confound political actors and observers
  • Maybe it's just a different viewpoint, but I find the sarcasm of that headline vastly more damning than just saying 'Trump lies again'. It basically saying that his brain is so fried that he's unable or unwilling to engage with the reality the rest of us experience.

  • Launches
  • A suitably large catapult would deliver the necessary delta-v, not release pollutants into the atmosphere, and would make a satisfying 'sproing thump' noise in doing so.

  • Slapping Chicken
  • Yes, I think the chicken would need to be rotating, you should use both hands to spread the warmed area, and be prepared to administer more slaps than were calculated.

  • Slapping Chicken
  • One must also consider the thermal conduction of the chicken. Slapping it, either once or multiple times, on a single area will impart energy to that area, raising the temperature there, but it will take time for that to disperse throughout the fowl. Thus will inevitably lead to the slapped area/areas being overcooked and the rest being dangerously undercooked. Losses to the environment must additionally be taken into account unless sufficient insulation is employed to mitigate this.

  • Inaccuracies
  • Bend them the other way. Start with all fingers open for zero, and curl them as needed. You only need to move them a bit, so even twenty (thumb and ring finger back, the others curled) isn't too hard.

  • trout rule
  • Wait, it purged the entire ecosystem except trout, so what are the trout eating? Don't tell me we now have nuclear powered fish, the implications are terrifying. What happens if you're bitten by a radioactive trout? Do we get troutman, the superhero we neither want, need or deserve?

  • [Question] Encrypted Partition Unlock via Root Unlocking
  • Use a different encryption key for your swap partition, then put that in a file on your (encrypted) root. In /etc/crypttab, where you list the encrypted partition and the device name for the unencrypted view, you can list the key file too. That way the swap partition will be automatically decrypted during the boot process and before swap is enabled.

    I believe there may be issues resuming from suspend doing this, but I've not tested that.

  • Tax The Rich EU-Petition Update
  • A really rough calculation (and I acknowledge I could be somewhat off here) suggests that if you contribute for 40 years, and get around 5% interest per year, you'd need to put in an average of €10,000 per year to reach €1,250,000. Working out average salary progression through a working life is left as an exercise for the interested reader, but assuming you're putting 10% of your salary into your pension, you'd need to be earning six figures to make that pension pot, so a drop to around €73,000 including the public pension could be hard to manage.

    As I said, not so much can't retire, as can't retire at the same standard of living, especially as annuity payments wouldn't increase with inflation.

  • Comments no longer have nesting bars

    I've noticed that recently comnents on posts no longer have the long colored bars next to them showing their depth into the reply chain. Was this deliberately changed, and is there a way to bring it back?

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