The Antinatalism subreddit basically promoting eugenics against autistic people
The Antinatalism subreddit basically promoting eugenics against autistic people
The Antinatalism subreddit basically promoting eugenics against autistic people
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Adopting is great. Not everyone should do it.
Autism is difficult. Their lives are not ruined.
I can see some of the arguments of antinatalists but the online culture of it seems to have a nihilism/blackpill problem.
It's autism, not a death sentence.
To me, it seems like online discussions for any stance, has to turn to it's most extreme. It's like their way or highway type of deal. Whatever happened to nuanced discussion, I wonder.
I think it stems from the more difficult cases, and people failing to realize the actual suffering that comes with that.
As with all extremes, a lot of emotions are involved. People who see / experience the hardships don't feel heard. As the general tendency is that one needs to be alive and that this is good, this hurts people who do not want to live (like this).
Going to a lot of trouble to conceive, and bringing triple the amount of possible suffering that people experience can be felt as worse than a death sentence. Therefore people feel the need to be vocal about this.
But in the end I agree, there is nuance. But there is the extreme as well, which weighs heavier here?
Exactly this.
A life like the ones that suffer, you just wouldn't wish upon someone innocent. Though going full eugenics is a bit too far off the end there. I get it, but I don't agree that everyone should avoid having children.
Though it does pain me to see this one couple (both autistic) have a child without considering how the kid will be affected. Despite one of them having a low-functioning brother who is a burden (and I don't mean lightly) on their mother and she never helps her out.
It's an extreme case here. I just hope their daughter will have a good life.
you're right but don't underestimate redditor's self righteousness so fast. They convinced themselves they are absolutely right and moral so everyone who thinks differently is evil and the one who aren't as radicals are idiot. This post stems first from a posture which is basically "I know EXACTLY how to live the perfect healthy life and everyone who thinks differently is brainwashed and stupid"
We would certainly be better off without it. Doesn't it have a much higher likelihood of happening when women bear children around 40? If we know a partial cause then maybe we should avoid it. I saw a billboard about a 58-year-old woman having a baby and I was horrified.
We would certainly be better off without it.
Who, exactly, do you imagine you are speaking for?
Me with autism.
Hell yeah brudder stay spicy
then why do you use "we". That's not your personal experience you're sharing on the world, that is your position on how we should run the world.
Lastly, starting a point on the autistic community by saying "we would certainly be better off without it" is concerning
That's a bit rude. Sure OPs point is a bit extreme, but no need to wish death on someone for having a differencing opinion
I missed something. Where did death come in?
The post I had replied to was deleted but basically it was someone who basically said kys
That's why I said "please"
I believe that just makes you look worse :(
Shame :(
No u
🔥🥵🔥 i thank you this is lovely
I love your username
I love lamp