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Texas counties are passing ordinances banning travel on highways for out of state abortions. Expect to see this used for families taking trans youth to get care out of state as well next year. Erin Reed (@ErinInTheMorn)

I have never heard of this tactic before but apparently, Texas counties are passing ordinances banning travel on highways for out of state abortions. Expect to see this used for families taking trans youth to get their care out of state as well in the next year.

Texas highways targeted by antiabortion activists seeking to block interstate travel

A new ordinance, passed in several jurisdictions and under consideration elsewhere, aims to stop people from using local roads to drive someone out of state for an abortion

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  • Strangling commerce to own the libs.

    • Its just crazy to imagine how this can be enforced.

      I have to assume its all after-the-fact. Like, someone travels to get an abortion and then the abusive spouse or nosey neighbors squeal. And then the state tries to trace the route and press charges in a municipal court.

      I don't think that they plan to just blockade the highway and hassle everyone who passes through.

      • This is one of those "my neighbor is suing me for getting an abortion" laws.

      • One of the first things a fascist state needs to do to really hold on to power is make sure that it's impossible for citizens to live without breaking some law. You don't have enforce those laws 100%, in fact it's better if you don't. You just need to make sure that anyone can be lawfully arrested at practically any convenient time.

      • They'll get lists of trans kids, database them to car plates and use automated image recognition to know when the cars left the state. This will then be used to prosecute. It may even be used to investigate, such as when they've seen your plate go out of state they send some cistapo round for a home visit to make sure the kid isn't getting treated.

        • They'll get lists of trans kids

          Trans kids who haven't begun to transition yet? That would be quite a feat.

          I don't really think they care about trans kids. What they care about is the organizational system that makes transitioning possible. And they only really care about it because its an indication of "liberalism", and keys certain groups in as opposition that needs to be crushed.

          This is, at its heart, a cold war.

          • Trans kids who haven't begun to transition yet? That would be quite a feat.

            I am fairly sure one of the things they're attempting to do is forcefully detransition trans people. They absolutely do already have lists of kids that have sought some sort of medical care for gender dysphoria, or can create them.

            • one of the things they're attempting to do is forcefully detransition trans people.

              In that case, maybe.

              They absolutely do already have lists of kids that have sought some sort of medical care for gender dysphoria, or can create them.

              Its possible. But I've seen the back end of the state bureaucracy on a number of occasions. They're more on the Mussolini end of the fascist spectrum in execution.

              Vicious but more so lazy and cheap.

              Particularly in CPS, the organization is nearly non-existent. A ton of this is running on the handful of people hateful enough to chase their neighbors for free.

            • A list of trans kids doesn't have to be an actual list of trans kids for the terror to work. The mere threat of such a list would be enough. The actual list could just as well be a list of kids reported by nosy neighbours or fascist teachers for "being at risk of being trans", ie. not performing their gender as they're expected to.

              • Yeah when it comes to terrorising parents you're absolutely right. You're essentially leaving a lot of parents with a decision about risk, the risk of child suicide over their dysphoria vs the risk of the state involving themselves and potentially taking your child for "abuse".

                The sinister thing about calling it child abuse is that I can absolutely see that would seep into popular consciousness over time and normalisation of the law.

      • It very much looks like they're inventing a bullshit technicality to oppress their victims since directly punishing people for doing legal stuff in another state would get them in trouble with the federal government.