Anon goes on a first date
Anon goes on a first date
Anon goes on a first date
You should probably be upfront that you somehow are an outdoorsman who plays minecraft for multiple hours a day.
dude, nothing wrong with playing 2 hours of vidya per day if it's balanced out, thats about 12% of the available time of a day if you sleep 8 hours.
I don't get it why gaming still has so much pushback. If he said he watches one overlength movie every day in the evening, there wouldn't be any discussion here 🙄
I don't think the poster has issues with video games, it seems their issue is I don't prioritize sharing my gaming experiences before sharing my more interesting qualities. I guess i should just have a list of every game I've ever played and every tv show I've ever watched ready for my next first date that way I don't "embellish" my lifestyle by saying I like to fish on the weekends.
To be fair, you are the only one that has said they are embarrassed to tell people you play a video game.
Also fishing on the weekend is for dorks, grow up already.
I never claimed to be embarrassed, i just claimed it isn't my most interesting feature and don't put it forward when meeting someone new. Id rather talk about my job or other more interesting hobbies.
I'm sorry I was being a troll a bit there. I would say to be more clear, if the person asked you directly what you do after work to relax, I'd say you should probably include the minecraft otherwise I would consider that a lie by omission. Its a trivial ultimately unimpactful lie, but it does say something about someone's character if they are ashamed or embarassed of their own hobbies.
Gaming isn't bad. The poster originally said he would hide something he spends 2 hours a day on and then changed it to, I share more interesting things first. Whatever, my point is you shouldnt play games with people because you will only end up hurting yourself in the long run. People hiding parts of themselves from potential partners is so common but its deceptive and most people wouldnt want their partner to lie or be deceptive.
But if I watched TV every evening for 2 hours before sleep, and don't share that on a first date, would that still be "deceptive"? Well, a lot of people would say thats hardly shareworthy at all. But if it's Minecraft it suddendly is?
Depends what they asked you. Ive already stated the whole point is to be honest so you get back what you put out. I can restate that another time if you'd like but I'm not sure why you are still replying.