As someone who is a bit older than the average 4chan user, but used 4chan when I was that age: don’t change your hobbies for a girl/boy another person.
I get the reason people think this way - but you’ll never be able to hide who you truly are. Find someone who likes you for who you truly are.
And no, not showering isn’t who you truly are. Shower.
Pro tip: if this is your date's reaction to your honest self then it was never gonna work out. You're better off ditching their dead weight and moving on.
Non-joke response: be true to yourself. OP is fine for liking anime and video games, their date is fine for disliking the same. But don't feel like either one should change or hide themself whether for a single date, or even their "one true soulmate"! Either scenario is not a lasting strategy. Find someone who likes you for you, even if it's difficult and takes time...
This is why people fail at dating and relationships. They look at it like fishing- that your goal is to tempt a big fish into biting. That is wrong.
Dating is a SEARCH. In your area there is somewhere between a few thousand and a million potential partners of your desired gender and age and other characteristics. You aren't trying to persuade the first one you see to like you, you're trying to find the one who already likes you but doesn't know it yet because they haven't met you. The person you are compatible with will like you for who you are.
So when this girl rejects him because she doesn't like anime, he should not take that as a personal failing. He should smile and say okay on to the next one.
And if you're into stuff like anime put that shit in your profile. That will attract the right people and screen out the wrong ones. That's not 'making a bad impression', the people for whom anime is a turn off are people who you wouldn't want anyway if you are an anime fan.
Any woman that wouldn't be interested in anime and BG3 probably wouldn't be lasting prospect for anon anyway and that's OK.
Find a partner that has similar interests to you (and hopefully isn't too crazy) and you've got a decent chance for something that can last.
Honestly I loved anime growing up but I went on a date with a guy in college who spent the entire date talking about anime in a manner that communicated his big tit fetish on the first date. Like. I would have loved talking about Inuyasha or fma among a few others I remembered really enjoying. But nope. Anime tiddies. So when I read this I'm like... Are you sure it was the anime dude or was it maybe actually something tangentially related to the anime?
Otoh if it really truly was the anime anon dodged a bullet anyway.
I literally had a birthday picnic last sat with a bunch of incredibly attractive and intelligent women who would not shut the fuck up about bg3. Dude lost nothing of value
Did he put that in his hobbies? That's like going out with someone who likes hiking and being mad when they mention their favorite trail. Anon dodged a bullet.
You mentioned you like anime, the chances for you being a pedophile and the chances of you assaulting her DRASTICALLY rose, she did the right thing by gtfo
You mentioned you like anime, the chances for you being a pedophile and the chances of you assaulting her DRASTICALLY rose, she did the right thing by gtfo