Is it just me, or when you become "the tech guy", family and friends become extremely entitled to your help?
I wish I never told anyone I worked or studied tech. Especially older family and friends, because their requests for help are relentless.
A lot of friends are chill with it, and I don't mind doing a little bit of help, but sometimes people are who are OFFENDED when you don't want to help. In the same way a contractor friend won't remodel your home for free, I am not going to fix every single issue you have with your computer for free. I'm happy to give advice, but i'm not going to work for hours without pay to fix everything.
Oh yeah. Especially when you have a degree in CS, spend your days writing code and thinking about design patterns, and people ask you for advice on what laptop to get. I don't @#&$ know!
That and old ass infected computers. I've used Linux almost exclusively for more than a decade. Fuck if I know how to fix your 10 year old windows desktop.