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I don’t know what’s sadder: Dominoe’s offering to pay pizza over 6 weeks; people being so poor that they have to pay a pizza over 6 weeks; or people being so dumb that they still buy pizza that they have to pay over 6 weeks when they have no money.
As for the latter, sometimes you have no other options, so you do things that you know are financially bad decisions because otherwise you starve. When I was younger I'd knowingly write bad checks at the grocery store because I needed food and couldn't get it any other way. I'd have a paycheck coming in a few days, and knew I'd have to pay the fee, but it was that or starve. That's not an option these days, since they verify checks immediately now.
Only pizza is not a basic foodstuff.
Did you not understand the part that they probably don't have other options? You can't bounce a check at a grocery store anymore, and grocery stores don't offer financing.
Por qué no los tres?
My ex signed up for food stamps at one point. But she had new boots and plenty of weed to smoke.
Don't ever criticize people who accept welfare. They are not the problem.
I already did and I will continue to do so. They prioritized purchasing weed and designer boots instead of buying groceries for themselves. That welfare money was for people that are actually struggling and not just pissing away their money without any consideration for the future.
I realize I'm coming off as a class traitor. But you have no idea what the actual situation looked like.
If she can't afford footwear, weed, and food, then she is struggling. These are not lavish purchases. Did you know that corporations are the largest recipients of welfare in the country? We're talking billions of dollars more than personal welfare payments.
Buying close to $1,000 in footwear when all your other footwear is 100% functional and then realizing you need stamps to buy food is a problem.
Yeah, that's problematic spending. How did she qualify for food stamps if her income was high enough to have $1000 to spend on boots? At one point in my life I was upside down after paying rent, insurance, utilities, and car payment, and was still told I had too much money when I applied for food stamps. I was literally upside down with negative dollars in my bank account, no job & no prospects due to recession, on unemployment, and the State said I had too much money.
This makes no sense, how can you have 1k to buy boots, but still have a low enough income to qualify for food stamps?
And you realize food stamps isn't something you can just get on when you realize you overspent that month, it's a months long process in many places with paperwork and income verification.
You sound like someone whos never had to deal with the welfare process at all and spout bullshit to discredit it like many right wing nuts like to do.
Shes probably your ex because she broke up with you, good for her.
Yes I realize it takes a long time to get approval. The paperwork started showing up at our house while she was doing that spending. My entire point was that she was abusing a welfare program.
Abuse how though? That's a very important piece of information you've failed to give. Did she falsify her income on her application? Because that IS a felony. Did she come into some money after applying and just didn't report it? That's also a reportable offense.
Orrr was she on food stamps and as a result actually had some disposable income for once and spent it on things you didn't agree with? Because that's NOT abuse. It's the whole point of food stamps. You get a couple hundred for groceries every month and maybe that'll decrease the load so you can have some money for disposable income for once to spend on other things.
Fucking thank you. I work with SNAP and you've absolutely nailed the intention of the program. That assclown is disgustingly bitter.
She wouldn't have qualified for SNAP if she wasn't among the intended recipients. What she spends her money on is not what is used to determine eligibility.
you're one of the people not worth saving.
What do I need saving from? It kind of seems like you're threatening me with violence.
You just reported me to myself, dumbshit.
Don’t reports on Lemmy get sent to the mods, the instance admin and the user being reported?
Then put yourself in time out kiddo
Far out these downvotes and comments. Some of these people need to grow up/have more birthdays and/or get a lesson in reading comprehension. If someone can afford designer boots and weed but won't buy groceries they have made a choice & they are taking advantage of the welfare system. When they do, the people in charge of the welfare system see this and tighten the purse strings and make it so that people who actually need it begin to suffer and miss out.
That's not how it works or how it is meant to work. Food assistance is provided based on income, not on whether or not you have the ability to save up for a nice pair of shoes. And, in fact, it is intended to help you be able to do so. All of your money shouldn't have to go to food.
Eugh. With the downvotes, really? How naive are people? Yep, I understand what you're saying. And that's usually how it works. But f# me if it doesn't work like that a lot of the time. And my point is (and I think what the other person who started this chain means) that when people who could have enough and not take advantage of the welfare system (like many many people do where I live) do take advantage, the hammer comes down and less fortunate people miss out.
Even if this story is 100% true I honestly have zero problem with it. The money you make from working should be for fun stuff like really fancy shoes, not mandatory labor for survival.