This is the most believable vaccine conspiracy I have seen yet. Everything else is stupidly far fetched, but replacing with saline and getting everyone to get on with their lives is a lot more believable then anything else I have seem. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened in some places in the world.
China and Russia both rolled out domestic pride vaccines that were far less effective than either mRNA kind, so, while not quite saline, something along those lines.
If I am playing Devils Advocate and pretending I supported this conspiracy theory, then my response would simply be "because they caught covid".
Now if you were to follow up with "how come the test was negative"? my response would be "I believe that the government is lying about the vaccines being real, do you really think I believe the tests work accurately"?
*I don't actually believe this. I just think it would have been the easiest conspiracy theory for anti-vaxxers to run with.
The part of the poster that says, "Time to install your update", as in, "inject you with microchips from Microsoft and here's a picture of Bill Gates in case what I'm saying isn't clear"? Is that the believable one?
I wonder what the motivation would be to inject people with salt water. We'll go to the expense of getting needles, people trained on how to use them, rent sites, sanitation, and I guess all of that so people can feel like their governments are doing good jobs and hope nobody involved tells anyone.
I actually didn't even notice that part of the poster. It doesn't necessarily have to be saline, it could also be a vaccine that was proven ineffective, or had very low efficacy.
The motivation is simple, get people back to work. The people who write the laws are in the same circle as the people who own the businesses. Covid was generally very bad for business, hence why the government juiced the market with stimulus.
I am not saying that happened in developed countries, just that it would be a somewhat believable conspiracy theory if that's what they went with. Instead of focusing on supposed illnesses, Bill gates, magnetism, microchips and lizard people.