The thing that bothers me the most about (mostly right-wing) anti-covid propaganda is that they use the argument that it was rushed to market. The vaccines were rushed to market thanks to an FDA emergency provision that removed a lot of the "red tape" that companies normally have to go through to get any medical item into the hands and/or bodies of consumers.
So many right-wing politicians campaign on the promise of removing red tape and getting rid of these things that protect all of us. This is literally what they say they want.
Chalk another one up for right wing hypocrisy, I suppose...
Vaccines against coronavirus have been in development for decades. The urgency for them really ticked up with in the early 2000's with SARS coronavirus floating around. Also the tech for quickly developing mRNA vaccines has been in the works since the 80's.
HIV is a very different virus and we do have pretty good treatments to prevent infection (prep) and stop HIV from becoming AIDS. I have someone in my family that has had HIV for decades and he is going to die from old age, not AIDS.
Cancer, like a broken leg, is not a virus. It's an entirely different medical problem.
There are two reasons for no AIDS vaccine: 1) it’s very hard to make a vaccine for a virus that targets the immune system and 2) it’s very hard to make a vaccine for a virus that is primarily associated with a group that one political party has a contingent that wants that group dead
In fact, there are vaccines against some cancer types. There's a virus, which is responsible for almost all womb cancer cases. Here in Germany, the vaccine is free, if you're under 20 iirc.
One of the worst parts is that there are many valid reasons to criticize Bill Gates with regards to the COVID vaccine (mainly as it pertains to his intellectual property crusade leading to a few companies getting to dictate the rollout and screwing over the Global South in the process), but it's all drowned out by these idiots screaming about microchips.
Both my parents didn't want the vaccine because they were scared of side effects. Both of them have multiple chronic diseases . My dad lungs are basically dead from chaine smoking for 50+ years.
They miraculously survived getting coronavirus twice.....
Vaccines are typically meant to protect against viruses or bacteria. Cancer is neither of those. hiv is a virus but the political will to produce effective treatments was not always there. I think a lot of young people underestimate the homophobia that was pervasive not all that long ago and how it was tied to the aids epidemic.
How can they even compare them? Nobody even suggested that COVID is similar to the other two. Cancer isn't even a virus and left to their own devices COVID is probably the less dangerous one.
Also cancer isn't just a single disease, there are multiple conditions that can lead to cancer and they all have different chances of survival.
The best thing for my family was that we were in St Jude with our daughter while the rest of the world lost their minds. I was able to speak directly to Infectious Disease doctors that had nothing to do with anything but researching for cancer patients. They had worked with the original doctors for the Covid vaccine, and how long it had been in development as we learned more about the disease. People were just going off ignorance. Just because you don't know, doesn't mean everyone else is trying to lie to you.
I thought we were all supposed to drop dead in 2 years, the cookers were all banging on about that at one point when they weren't punching horses and thinking the government used laser weapons on them and not that they got sunburnt from spending the day in the sun "protesting"
This actually gets me thinking... Is anyone actually working on an aids vaccine? Maybe mRNA could do something there, theoretically it should be able to grant pretty much any type of immunity you can have naturally
it's not that they are stupid, they are attention hungry losers that will believe manufactured drivel like this because it makes them feel special, because they have "knowledge" that unenlightened masses don't, and they prefer it over reality
I have an aunt who at the beginning of the pandemic noticed that an old can of Lysol or something said it was effective against coronaviruses.
This was proof to her that the government engineered COVID and knew of the pandemic in advance (and I guess told Lysol about it). I linked her the Wikipedia page for coronaviruses and that shut her up.
This is the most believable vaccine conspiracy I have seen yet. Everything else is stupidly far fetched, but replacing with saline and getting everyone to get on with their lives is a lot more believable then anything else I have seem. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened in some places in the world.
People really like to throw their opinions at everyone else even if they don't understand anything on the subject. I remember seeing a post on Facebook saying something along the lines of:
a virus that dies with soap and water and they haven't found a cure yet?
my MIL watches a pastor chris from the loveworld megachurch. over the years i’ve listened in on tirades about covid and depopulation eugenics, it’s all very wild and very “we are always under attack” and positively crazy.
Its funny because the only reason cancer vaccines are even becoming a thing is because of mRNA technology. then of course the stupid of grouping cancer as all one thing like hey, there is no virus vaccine.
The cleaning lady at my building thinks she's smarter and knows better than doctors, teachers, scientists, professors and researchers.
How did we get to this point where people can't accept that they don't know everything, and narcissism has reached cleaning ladies who now think they're geniuses?
That's apples, oranges, and ...passion fruits. They're simply not the same. Besides, it's quite pessimistic to imagine that the effort scientists have put into vaccine development, and all knowledge acquired, haven't taught us a trick or two.
He's not. No Jewish ancestry and his current practice is a sort of casual Catholic thing, but he also thinks Dawkins is cool, so about what you'd expect. That's from a quick Wiki check, but still.
The suggestion that companies do not cure conditions because it's more profitable to sell temporary fixes, completely misunderstands that pharmaceutical companies are in direct competition which each other and are largely fixated on quartlerly profits.
If you cure a disease you actually make a lot of short term profits that make your shareholders happy.
An example is Hepatitis C which has been cured in at least in the West in the last decade to very little fanfare.