This might not be too far off
This might not be too far off
This might not be too far off
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What's with all the 40 year olds in basements bitching about this movie? It's not for you dude
Most people don't want their kids eating slop all the time.
Beyond that Minecraft is a considerably old game now, especially if you got into it in the very early days. It shouldn't be surprising that there are older people paying attention to this.
I was in notch's old threads on /v/ in the very beginning back as a young teen (yes 4chan, I was totally 18 years old, pinky swear). I'm in my 30s and have a kid now who is too young to play, but I will probably introduce her at an appropriate age if she likes computer games.
I'm not raging or anything, but I'm definitely paying attention enough to know if this movie is garbage to steer my kid away from in the future.
I was an adult when Minecraft was new and I played the shit out of it back then.
Who do you think is buying the movie tickets? Is your little cousin gonna smash his piggy bank and pay the $35 ticket with his leftover pennies and nickels?
It's adults. Adults pay to watch the movies. I'd happily pay to watch Shrek again in theaters.
Lol parents are paying. And parents don't give a single shit if the movie the kids want to see is good or not, we expect the worst. We sat through the emoji movie and every Minion thrown at us.
I doubt you have kids so you're not paying for anything here.
Besides stop acting like you're funding the movie and demand returns. If you don't wanna see it don't. Show them your disdain by withholding your money. But don't get mad when it's a big hit with kids and it makes a fortune.
Yeah, but they pay for their kids to watch. Similar to how adults will happily pay to send their kids to summer camp: it's mindless daycare and the adults get to switch off for a while.
The best pieces of children's cinema are always those with good writing that can simultaneously entertain and respect both the children and the adults in the teather. Everything else is rightfully forgotten as dumb slop. Pandering to little children humor is always a sure way for IPs to die in obscurity.
I agree, but Hollywood doesn't want to grow an IP, it wants fast quick money now, and if peddling fart jokes is all it takes to separate overwhelmed parents from their cash, then they'll do it
Ahh I see. You're the type of person to pull out their phone in the theater. 👍
right, that tracks - well done
Plenty of non 30+ years old have the same complaints, we just happen to be on a platform that not a lot of young people use.
All my nephews/nieces and my own kids can't wait to see it. So clearly it's working for the demographic it's targeted at. You're not the target audience. Additionally this is Minecraft ffs, not metal Gear solid.
So how about a movie that I'm the target demographic of: Borderlands, Clear example of hollywood not sticking to source materials and aiming for a quick, lazy cashgrab. Thankfully it backfired. This looks to be the same recipe, throw some well known actors in, type out a generic story vaguely inspired by the source material, slap the vfx team on it and call it a day.
They are disrespecting the franchises they depict and by letting it be we show them it's okay to do so. Kids don't know what's good or how to spot a lazy cashgrab. Most of them haven't been deceived by greed yet, this could be it. I think they deserve better.
That movie was made by different people
If they do not kill an Ender Dragon by dying 40 times with unenchanted armor trying to blow up those things on the obsidian towers, I WILL SET FIRE TO THE THEATER!!!!!!!! RESPECT MY GAMING EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!
I have played Minecraft for maybe only like 50 hours, and I've never done anything but just free build with no purpose, enemies or anything. I just use the game to build stuff that pops into my head. I've never actually played it to fight monsters or story mode or anything
Meanwhile every Minecraft youtuber: beats the dragon in twenty minutes Okay, now we can get started...