R Weekly 2024-W33 Snakes & Ladders, Tables, Deutschland Tour
R Weekly 2024-W30 Tile sprites, GitHub Copilot, extract functions
R Weekly 2024-W29, webrcli & spidyr, compare slider widget
R Weekly 2024-W28 R-Ladies Seattle, Faster R code with Rust, Conditional LinkingTo
R Weekly 2024-W19 R Vulnerability, Birthday, ShinyConf Highlights
R Weekly 2024-W15 Nix, webR & visualizing dplyr
R Weekly 2024-W14 R texting, log-rank test, restart R forever
R Weekly 2024-W13 Testing R packages, rspell, Aligning content with flexboxes
Tidier.jl | A data analysis package inspired by R's tidyverse and crafted specifically for Julia.
R Weekly 2024-W12 Patterns and anti-patterns, Shitty R help, and R Cheat Sheet
R Weekly 2024-W11 Package Marketing, Spring Clean, and NodeJS projects with webR inside
R Weekly 2024-W10 patching R, data.table survey, Doom plots
datasauRus: Datasets from the Datasaurus Dozen
R Weekly 2024-W09 print, plot, pretty code
R Weekly 2024-W08 Bike Riding, Suggests, Guess My Name
R Weekly 2024-W07 verbosity, consortium grants, resmush
R Weekly 2024-W06 - Teaching, renv, parquet vs. RDS
R Weekly 2024-W05 - Notes from live code review, and load different R package versions at once
R Weekly 2024-W04 - Babledown, Six base R functions, and Making dashboard interactive
R Weekly 2024-W03 - httr2, ggplot2, ShinyConf