R Weekly 2024-W02
Python Rgonomics | Emily Riederer
Conda is moving to Mastodon & LinkedIn | conda.org/blog
Python equivalent R code, some nuance concerning RStudio
Free R-Manual in German language
R Weekly 2023-W51 Style code with {epoxy}, R typing shortcuts, quarto reproducible reporting
Use google’s Gemini in R with R package “gemini.R”
Regression and other stories
Statistical Rethinking - A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan (and PyMC3, brms, and Julia too)
An Introduction to Statistical Learning (with Applications in R or Python)
R Weekly 2023-W49, cli package, the deposits R package, RStats Wrapped!
Packages built with Rcpp dependency failing R-devel checks at CRAN
R Weekly W48 - object-oriented refactoring, benchmarking, Rust + R
R Weekly W45 - QRCode, fable, and maps
Paper introducing softbib, package that automatically generates bibliography of all packages used
Z-Test in R: A Tutorial on One Sample & Two Sample Z Tests
Does subsetting (matrices or arrays) always perform a partial copy?
Are there any generalized data communiyies on lemmy?
Marginaleffects book online
print to console tables that can be easily copied and pasted to Excel