Megathread: Nicole research
Got another one, but the pig butcher's in another instance (Phishing URLs warning)
common bong nicole
Wait, they are spreading!
I haven't seen this one posted yet.
Only the true Messiah hides their divinity!
What is "nicole's" long game?
Nicole's images all seem like they were secretly shot in video calls, don't they?
Let's get sleuthing!
It's not just Lemmy users
Feeling Blessed 🙏🥹
I never thought it could happen 2 me
Amazing there's a whole community around this
Nicole should be the official backup mascot
I just got NICOLE'd
I have not heard back
Lucky me I've got Nicoled 4 times
Look at that smile
I've finally been Nicoled
I've seen your coco puff man Nicole