Wanted to ask for some tips since I'm really struggling with this trying to learn German.
I know there are certain ways to guess the gender (e.g. -er endings are usually masculine, -ung feminine and loan words neutral) but often times I'm just butchering the whole sentence by not knowing the correct articles.
Let me demonstrate my frustration: in many cultures the moon is considered "feminine", but in German it has masculine article!
Join Ōsweald the talking bear on his adventures through Anglo-Saxon England, as he makes friends (and enemies), gets involved in royal intrigue, and learns all about the world.
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For people interested in learning Old English, Osweald Bera is an introductory book written by Colin Gorrie that, if I recall from his prior announcement about this, leans on a method called comprehensible input to teach the language. As far as I can tell from watching some of his youtube videos and reading his other online material, this looks like it could be useful for folks that are including "Learn Old English" as an item on their New Year's Resolution list.
The preorders were just announced. They are saying they intend to begin shipping the books themselves mid-November.