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Hyprland Desktop Environment

  • Disable the Hyprland startup logs

    When using tty or greetd to start it. I use nixos + greetd + tuigreet + hyprland.

  • nixos+greetd+hyprland error GitHub - mobsenpai/hana: 花 - Hana | Nixos dotfiles

    花 - Hana | Nixos dotfiles. Contribute to mobsenpai/hana development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - mobsenpai/hana: 花 - Hana | Nixos dotfiles

    Using this works: ``` services.greetd = { enable = true; settings = { initial_session = { command = "Hyprland"; user = "yashraj"; }; default_session = { command = "${lib.getExe pkgs.greetd.tuigreet} --time --cmd Hyprland"; user = "yashraj"; }; }; };


    But using this doesn't: ``` services.greetd = { enable = true; settings = { default_session = { user = "yashraj"; command = "${pkgs.greetd.tuigreet}/bin/tuigreet --time --sessions ${pkgs.hyprland}/share/wayland-session --remember --remember-session"; }; }; };


    I wan't to be able to use --sessions. what could I be doing wrong? I am using latest nixos stable.

    The only error returned here is after I enter my username 'yashraj' then my password 'nixos' is: expected Args or Cancel, got Pamresponse {resp: some("nixos")}

    Notes: > I haven't commited the greetd file to my github yet. But I've still attached the link to my github if it may be relevant to solve this issue.

    > Please give any info

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