Looks like they banned Fable in Alchemy ahead of rotation and Nerfed Crucias to a 3/1. Seems like a big change for both formats. Crucias now dies to Bowmasters. Will we continue to see rakdos dominate both formats?
With [[Tooth and Nail]] in HA7 I'm excited to slam some bombs on the board. What do we think are the best couple creatures to grab with it? There's always good old [[Craterhoof Behemoth]] but it saddens me that [[Avenger of Zendikar]] isn't on Arena to pair with it.
Greetings from the XMage Draft Historical Society! Our mission is to provide a welcoming community for Limited Magic players of all skill levels to experience each set released throughout the history of the game. We do this by organizing drafts on a regular schedule using the completely free software XMage. There's a draft every day, with events at different starting times to accommodate players from around the world.
We're on our third progression through the historical formats and this week is an all-time classic: Time Spiral. There's a format guide on our Discord server which gives a nice thorough overview, especially if you weren't playing Magic back in 2006. The following week we'll draft the full block TSP/PLC/FUT, then on to Tenth Edition, Lorwyn, and so on (until we reach the present again and start over with 3x Beta in 2025). In addition to our chronological progression, we have bonus formats including
It's been a while since I read the books, but I gather from the conversation over on Reddit that this is the password that got the Fellowship into Moria, and not a reference to a New York-based financial institution.
Based on feedback from both inside and outside the league changes have been made to the league's banlist. We hope that these new bans will cultivate a more creative, interesting, and fun format for people to compete in.
Commander only bans:
Rusko, Clockmaker,
Teferi, Hero of Dominaria
Raffine, Scheming Seer
In the 99 bans:
Wash Away
The Season 7 tournament just wrapped up with Atraxa, Grand Unifier taking down Kethis, the Hidden Hand in the finals. With Rusko, Teferi, and Raffine out as commanders (these cards are still legal in the 99) we have our eye on Atraxa for a future ban if this phyrexian value bomb takes over the format. With the two best control decks out of the format this could time for aggressive decks like Adeline and Ragavan to shine, though. Or will t
I like this! I love my Gruul creature decks. He's going straight into my Nikya HBrawl deck, and I might build a deck around him too. Update: Oh, [[Worldspine Wurm]] just got confirmed too, so there's that deck set.