z7h99ctr @ z7h99ctr @leminal.space Posts 0Comments 3Joined 1 yr. ago
Seems like a good option if he's borrowed the truck but unrealistic for him to own as can't stay dry if it rains while driving, also only seems to have a sunroof on the drivers side which makes it all the stranger. I'd think something with either a much higher top or a completely open top like a convertible or jeep. I'm not even sure if he could turn his head without hitting the sides of the sunroof in the picture.
Nah i'm just thinking about how much nicer my commute would be if I could run it in 10 minutes, would also likely have a lot less dependence on cars and a lot more walking/running space.
I'd personally prefer that if they aren't allowed to show it they not bother. All this does is make watching with family uncomfortable or possibly if your aware of the scene beforehand prevent watching it with family at all.
Assuming i'm not trying to watch it with family I prefer my content uncensored, like they can say fuck if they want to or fuck if they want or actually be seen nude after a shower instead being censored in some form.
Even when I am watching things with family i'd prefer they just not did things they'd have to censor than taint it with censorship.