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Elon Musk on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says
  • I genuinely wonder how this creep keeps failing upward

  • Hey Reddit lurkers! my ad-free, open source Reddit viewer RDX is on Android now
  • Seems nice, how do you handle reddit overpriced api, or do you not use it maybe?

  • Machine a Calculer Rébo
  • here I found a video demonstrating that kind of machine, not the same brand and model but very similar. the vid's is French tho :

  • Fellow Men, what are some compliments you would like to recieve?
  • None, i genuinely cannot handle beeing complimented

  • What if I told you...
  • that takedown hit harder than any of the actual fights in the franchise

  • What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
  • fully agree, I was gunning to for that ending for all of act3

    gale best boy, love him

  • What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
  • I find Astarion severely overrated

  • Realizations about my transition and just feeling hopeless
  • only 4 comments from this account, all calling transfems male on trans posts

    dude created an account just to shit on ppl in trans communities

    go touch grass mate

  • If Start menu ads in Windows 11 aren't bad enough, something worse might be on the horizon
  • "we respect your privacy, so please accept the cookies from our 1542 partners"

  • US approves Rafah op. in exchange for no Israeli counter-strikes on Iran - report
  • "yeah yeah sure you can do a little more genocide as treat if you don't start another war"

  • Linux gaming rig
  • it's a trackball I recon