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Hilft mir, die langweiligste Antwort an Kollegen zu formulieren, wenn sie mich dazu anstacheln, ihnen zu sagen, warum ich gekündigt habe
  • Sag einfach dass es persönliche Gründe sind über die du nicht sprechen möchtest. Wer sich davo beleidigt fühlt muss damit selbst umgehen. Ich vermute mal, dass du zu deinen (noch) Kollegen danach keinen Kontakt mehr pflegen wirst, also kann es dir auch egal sein wenn sie dich nicht mehr mögen.

  • How difficult is it to drive on the wrong side of the road?
  • I can't say anything about driving on the left side since I never had to do it.

    About the clutch, I think it depends on whether you used to do it a lot. I used to drive stick when I learned to drive, but for the last 5 years I have only driven automatic or electric. But when I rented a car with manual transmission, my muscle memory came back within a few minutes and everything went fine.

  • What was the last amazing JRPG you played?
  • Persona 5 Royal. I never played any Persona games before. It took me quite some time to get into it, especially the time management aspect. But at some point it clicked and I could not stop playing. The ending actually brought tears to my eyes.

  • Hi AskLemmy! What are you most proud of right now?
  • I just managed to set up a C++ project with CMake for the first time. I have several years of experience with Java, Python and a bit of Rust... For the last 2 weeks I started to learn a bit of C++. The language itself is not really the problem so far, but the ecosystem around it is quite frustrating to me.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Ving Thor
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