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We're exactly 50% of the way from August 13th to October 22nd

Theory: October 22nd is in exactly 5 weeks, the most likely release date for October 2023. In the 10th anniversary video the "days since 2.1" glitches out at 2470 days, which is (16.01.2017 + 2470 days = 22.10.2023). 22 / 10 = 2.2 and GD started in 1.0 (10 without dot).

Your arch system (with xfce, kde or lxqt) suddenly takes 20 sec to open firefox etc?
  • Also, if you are using xorg-xinit, make sure that you copy everything from /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc into your ~/.xinitrc (and replace everything from twm & with your own stuff). If you don't to this, systemd will not get $DISPLAY, leading to xdg-desktop-portals failing to work, also causing long startup times.

  • vepro vepro
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