ulzzang @ ulzzang @lemmynsfw.com Posts 1Comments 4Joined 2 yr. ago
In the CSGO news machine before CS2 got unveiled it was revealed that Valve employees can usually just choose to work on whatever projects they want to. CSGO had a really small regular team until it became all hands on deck for CS2 development. They’re really just vibing. But hey I’d rather take them making a random surprise masterpiece every 10 years now than pumping out yearly garbage like other AAA companies.
Can assume enough that prior to CS2, most of their teams were working on the Steam Deck, and HL:A prior to that.
Weve had for a while now.. Testflight on iOS for example.
Nathan for You
Bruh, your timing’s unfortunate. I agree that the AC formula got stale REALLY fast and its just so samey and contrived now, before getting into how they started getting all mythological BUT-
I implore you to give Black Flag another shot. Its by far and away the LEAST assassins creed assassins creed game, and probably the best one in the franchise.