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USA approves $8.7bn aid package for Israel
  • I don't think it's so clear what some of the money is going to. From the article:

    the package includes $3.5 billion for “essential wartime procurement” [...] and a $5.2 billion grant for air defenses. The ministry said the $5.2 billion for air defenses “will significantly strengthen critical systems such as Iron Dome..."

    With Hezbollah launching rockets towards civilians, I am in favor of strengthening the Iron Dome. But it sounds like that $3.5 billion could be to resupply Israel for their attacks on Gaza, thereby enabling new ones.

  • What is your favorite movie of all time?
  • The Princess Bride, with In Bruges being a fairly close second. But I think The Princess Bride stays permanently at number 1 for me.

  • Tech Bros Inventing Things That Already Exist
  • The Juicero was seriously a major point in my personal ideological journey. Around 2013, I was still very convinced that Silicon Valley (and VC-backed startups in general) were a source of innovation that could do a lot of good in the world. I was starting to question that a little bit because I had noticed that every new startup was described as "like Uber for <other thing>," but I still largely believed that most SV startups were innovative and improving people's lives, or at least had the potential to do so.

    And then the freaking Juicero came along, and I was like, "What the fuck? Do these people actually have no idea what they're doing? Oh my god, they don't."

    Look, I'm not saying that if the Juicero didn't exist, that I would be some Elon Musk fanboy right now. Something else probably would have woken me up instead.

    But in this timeline, in this current universe we are in, the Juicero made me see things differently. No one wants to believe that they were changed by the Juicero... but I was. And I... I... I don't know how I feel about that...

  • Tech Bros Inventing Things That Already Exist

    I'm sure everyone in this community is already familiar with the concept that this video is presenting, and might even already know all of the examples he gives. But I got a laugh out of it, and I love his presentation style.

    Israel Planted Explosives in Pagers Sold to Hezbollah, Officials Say
  • The way that they pulled off this attack is interesting from a cybersecurity standpoint, but we can't ignore the fact that Israel had no way of knowing who was near the devices when they exploded. They very nature of this attack made it impossible for Israel to know how closely they were targeting the bad guys or how many civilians were nearby.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Mike Johnson and calls to fund government with Dems
  • That was a great explanation.

    I remember hearing an interview with John Boehner on NPR (former Republican Speaker of the House) a few years ago. He was talking about the government shutdown that happened shortly after far right wing was elected in 2010. Apparently, a few of them barged into his office after the shutdown and demanded to know why the government had actually shut down.

    And Boehner was like, " said you wanted it to?"

    And the right wingers said, "Well we didn't think it would work!"

    These are irresponsible people who think they should just get to play games in life.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Mike Johnson and calls to fund government with Dems
  • This headline is easy to read wrong -- my brain grouped the subject of this headline the other way at first. I read, "Marjorie rages at (Mike and calls to fund government)" rather than "Marjorie (rages at Mike) and (calls to fund government)."

  • Radio Free Fedi - sounds from the Fediverse to the Universe
  • I've been loving RFF the last few months, it might be my favorite new thing I've found since I switched from Twitter to Mastodon. It also always shows you the artists' fediverse usernames so you can follow them, and they usually have a Bandcamp link if you want to buy an album.

    They recently said that they could use some volunteer help. I haven't been able to check out what they need yet, but their matrix channel is, I think that's where they organize things.

  • What are your favorite racing games?
  • Yes! And if I remember, those races actually lasted 24 minutes, right? I hadn't played a game that did that before. I loved the fact that there was an actual endurance/focus element to that race.

  • What are your favorite racing games?
  • Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit or Burnout: Paradise might be the closest to what you're looking for. They're both open-world games, but I don't think they really have that open-world filler that you see a lot of. They both got remastered releases in the last few years.

  • What are your favorite racing games?
  • GRID: I absolutely loved the original Grid (I think it was called Racedriver: Grid in Europe) when it came out.

    Project CARS 2 and Assetto Corsa Competizione: A while ago I tried using a PS5 controller on PC and using the gyroscope to steer left and right by tilting the controller. It works well enough when you get used to it. It gives you more granular control than an analog stick. You really can't tilt an analog stick 15 degrees consistently, but you can tilt the controller like that consistently. I'm not saying its as good as a racing wheel, but if you don't have one, it'll at least let you play games that might otherwise need a wheel. I played a decent amount of Project CARS 2 and Assetto Corsa Competizione that way.

    Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is a fun kart racing game. If you don't have a Switch and you want something like Mario Kart, you should pick it up. It isn't just a Mario Kart knockoff with Sega characters. Wait no... that's exactly what it is, but it's a good one.

    Meta: ! is a community here.

  • UKOG: I raced against a cheater
  • Can't say that I have. I'm too much of a noob to play online. :P

  • To people who choose not to swear (for non-religious reasons), what is your motivation to be that way ?
  • Two reasons:

    1. I live in Utah, where the Mormons are, and they get very offended by swearing. Although there are some ways in which I will definitely not accommodate their religious beliefs, I also think it's healthy to meet other people at their comfort level (if it's reasonable to do so). On the one hand, I understand the idea that we shouldn't have to change who we are in order to make other people comfortable. On the other hand, I do think that if you take that idea too far, it can be a kind of antisocial behavior. When in Rome, as they say.
    2. It has more impact if you don't do it often. Think about a Quentin Tarantino movie. By the time Samuel L. Jackson has said "fuck" for the 157th time, you're just used to it. The word doesn't even stand out anymore. But now consider the end of The Princess Bride, which has one swear word in the entire movie: "I want my father back you son of a bitch." WHA-BAM! Hits like a freight train every time!

    For the follow-up questions, kind of the same answer to both of them. I feel like not swearing -- or, swearing less -- requires me to be more precise when I'm criticizing something. Instead of just saying that something was "like shit", I have to give a more specific criticism. So that's the change that it has made, and no, it hasn't stopped me from expressing something.

  • [UPDATE] What are questions that will make it sound like I can afford a million euro house?
  • "What schools are nearby?"

    "Is the walk in humidor full or partial?"

    "Can the windows be taken out for moving in large furniture? I own Salvador Dali's favorite piano."

  • Could you do me a favour and make this post look like a Reddit post?
  • You post was automatically removed for not following the requirements listed in our wiki. Please find the wiki yourself because it is not linked anywhere. In particular, your post does not meet the following requirements:

    • Section 1, paragraph 3, subsection B
    • Section 18, paragraph 5, subsection AAB
    • Section 35, paragraph 1: uploading a photo* with timestamp†

    * see approved photo hosts

    see ISO 8601

  • How Lemmy could interop with Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky
  • I've found that, currently, this kind of works and kind of doesn't. I've boosted a few lemmy and mbin comments from my Mastodon account, and it shows up in feeds just like you would expect it to. Unfortunately, the parent post of the thread only shows as a link to the lemmy/mbin thread, rather than showing the full text of the original post. So it's hard for people to see the context of the comment.

    Mastodon appears to see lemmyverse comments the same way it sees Mastodon comments, but the top-level post that started the thread is somehow different.

  • How Republicans became the party of raunch
  • Man, I had forgotten how much the "purity" of stars like Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson was talked about. It didn't even seem weird at the time. (Although I was a little kid, so I probably just couldn't notice the hypocrisy.)

    A quote FTA:

    “Wokeness is dead,” gloated right-wing commentator Richard Hanania on X back in March, over a video clip of Sweeney in a black dress with a plunging neckline, her breasts at the center of the frame. Hanania’s logic was obscure, but it seemed to go something like this: Sweeney’s prominently displayed chest was somehow inextricably opposed to the progressive ethos currently fashionable in popular culture.

    This whole issue that this article is describing is a perfect example of why it's impossible to argue against the right on their own terms. Their process is like this:

    1. Have a very loosely defined set of ideals. You can believe anything at any time. Have more of a vibe than a set of principles.
    2. Invent an enemy. This enemy should be vaguely defined; it is everything and nothing at the same time. For example, wokeism.
    3. Because your enemy is whatever you want it to be, and because your values are whatever you want them to be, you alone get to decide when you've won. You can declare victory at any time, for any reason. This conveniently fits your insecurity-based need to feel like a winner.
  • How Lemmy could interop with Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky
  • I'm hoping that this will "just work" when Mastodon gets quite-posting. You could take a Mastodon post, and then quote-post it into a community by mentioning that community's name.

    This would create a separate thread of replies, which is good. A person shouldn't be able to suddenly thrust a bunch of community replies onto someone else's post. So basically it's what quote-posting is for, but sharing it with a community instead of just your own followers.

  • How Lemmy could interop with Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky
  • I think it's worth as a long-term goal for the Fediverse to entirely separate the "view" aspect from the "content" aspect of platforms where reasonably possible

    This perfectly describes my ideal fediverse, too. Pretty much everything we're doing here is posting text; it can be a comment on someone else's text, or a comment on a video, or a top-level post in a community, or a top-level post on your microblog (which is basically your own community where you're the only top-level poster). IMO the type of fediverse server you choose should be based on which one has the best UI for the viewing and posting you'll be doing most often, but they should all be able to show everyone else's content as much as possible.

    If I need to, I'll create separate accounts for separate interests, like one for games and one for professional things. But I'd like to use the same account for following indie game developers (on Mastodon) and gaming communities (on Lemmy) and commenting on game review videos (on Peertube).

  • How Lemmy could interop with Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky
  • I also want interoperability between microblogging and threaded services, but unfortunately I'm a little skeptical about the account mirroring concept. Or, at least, I'd like more details about it.

    Do users need to opt-in to have their accounts mirrored, like how they do with right now? If there are a bunch of users with Bluesky accounts that don't have Frontpage accounts, that would mess with the ability to have all comments showing up between the two services, and it would prevent some people from posting a comment on someone else's comment if one of the commenters has not opted-in to have their account mirrored. Or, can a plain Bluesky account comment on Frontpage threads, but not start a thread?

    I like the idea of being able to quote-post link aggregator threads to your Bluesky account, but I think ideally this would only require one account. Which would mean you could also use your Bluesky account to start a thread on Frontpage.

  • Mahal, by Glass Beams

    I heard this track a few days ago on a community radio station. The station was, which is a pretty good place to find new artists.

    As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline

    Parents are increasingly rethinking what it means to create an online footprint their child can’t actively consent to.

    As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline

    Here's a non-paywalled link to an article published in the Washington Post a few days ago. It's great to see this kind of thing getting some mainstream attention. Young children have not made an informed decision about whether they want their photos posted online.

    [x-post] Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor? Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor? - Lemmy

    Lately I’ve been really liking the idea of having something hosted on a RISC-V machine. RISC-V is a non-proprietary instruction set that is a competitor to ARM. The idea of having a something running on an open source operating system, running on an open standard CPU, served from my house, gives me ...

    (also posted on @selfhost)

    RISC-V is a non-proprietary instruction set that is an alternative to ARM. I had thought that we were still waiting for a stable Linux distribution on RISC-V devices, but it turns out many RISC-V machines can run Debian already.

    Does anyone have a RISC-V device that they use regularly? How has it been working?

    Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor?

    Lately I've been really liking the idea of having something hosted on a RISC-V machine. RISC-V is a non-proprietary instruction set that is a competitor to ARM. The idea of having a something running on an open source operating system, running on an open standard CPU, served from my house, gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    I was under the impression that most Linux distributions were unstable on RISC-V. Turns out, I'm wrong about that. From a quick search, the following have official Debian images:

    and the Pine64 Star64 has a community-maintained Armbian image.

    Does anyone here have a RISC-V single-board computer doing anything practical for you?

    8bitdo made a Commodore 64 variant of their keyboard 8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard (C64 edition, ships on Sep. 28th, 202

    NOTES: We are NOT liable for ANY extra import taxes so please learn about local customs policy before purchasing. After ordering, please pay attention to the tracking update and deal with clearance timely. We will deduct 70% of the paid amount if the packages are returned due to overdue customs clea...

    8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard (C64 edition, ships on Sep. 28th, 202

    The 8bitdo keyboard has been pretty well-received as a \~$100 wireless keyboard with ABS keycaps. I love the way this C64 color scheme looks.

    I have an 8bitdo arcade stick, which looks like it uses the same knob as this keyboard for selecting the wireless mode. I love the way it feels every time I turn it on.

    Unfortunately, the keyboard doesn't use QMK -- it uses their own mapping software, which is Windows only. This makes it a non-starter for me, since I rarely use a Windows computer these days. But I just might have to copy that color scheme for my next build.

    tuckerm tuckerm

    Here to talk about fighting games, self hosting web apps, and easy weeknight recipes.

    My mastodon account: @tuckerm My blog:

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