torrentialgrain @ torrentialgrain Posts 2Comments 15Joined 6 days ago
I admire your baseless optimism.
Is it? There have barely been any protests on the streets. People are infinitely far away from violently rising up against this regime.
Bro have you not been paying attention? The new administration is governing without any respect for the law, they just do things and say they’re all powerful. And so far, nobody is stopping them. Nobody really has the power to, anyway.
This transition will not take 10 years. It has barely been a month since the new administration took over and they’re well on their way to fundamentally changing the USA for the foreseeable future.
The only cut to federal spending I’m willing to accept.
What strategic planning? Trump has an admiration for Putin, it’s not any deeper than that.
Europe basically going for the Ent storyline from LOTR is pretty much the only chance Ukraine has left at this point. The new USA will be an ally to Russia.
Du kannst also nicht erklären, wie Wahlen im Krieg durchgeführt werden sollen und kritisierst Zelensky trotzdem dafür. Kann man natürlich machen, ist aber eine intellektuelle Bankrotterklärung.
Trump bezeichnet Selenskyj als "Diktator ohne Wahlen"
Not the cybertruck tho.
Let’s see if there’ll be another chance.
Da widerspreche ich persönlich dir nicht.
It’s also braindead because on the one hand you have the richest man in the world backed by the most powerful man in the world. And on the other you have pretty much a very popular influencer.
Danke für die sehr ausführliche Antwort! Da beruhigt mich unsere technologische Rückständigkeit in dem Fall tatsächlich mal ein bisschen, haha.
Ist unsere Wahl-Infrastruktur gegen Einflussnahme geschützt?
New here but so far it feels like Reddit used to feel 10 years ago - a bit less populated maybe.
Benutzt einfach Mistral AI - europäisches Unternehmen und sehr transparent.