Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution 31 2
This is smart
Lynx are cats, right? Have a photo of a lynx kitten rolling around in the summer grass. 22 0
I like those huge paws
Old Mainboard as NAS 1 0
I'm using my 11th gen mainboard as a proxmox host, but the USB NIC I have is very unreliable. I ordered a M.2 intel based NIC and hopefully this will work better.
The Microwave 4 0
I preheat grilled cheese sandwiches in the microwave. The cheese is almost melted, then I put it in a hot pan and fry up the bread.
PSA: Ich habe die PIN zu meinem Online-Ausweis vergessen, damit ihr das nicht mehr tun müsst. 2 0
Die AusweisApp2 gibt es für Linux:
The cutest thing to ever live (sound on) 4 1
Those are some loud potatoes
He is absolutely not a sock puppet, he just kinda looks that way sometimes 6 0
I think we're gonna need some video evidence from op
it's that time of the year again 5 0
I prefer Maisel's Weisse or Schneider Weisse
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Comments 34