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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago
  • The step that takes the longest is the "transcode with Handbrake" one. On my fairly slow mobile Ryzen 7, it takes about an an hour and a half.

    The thing is, you can tweak settings in Handbrake to be faster at the expense of video quality and/or file size.

    What I do is to set up a bunch of files and let Handbrake run overnight. In the morning, everything's done and I can work on the next batch. It helps that I work from home.

    Ripping from disc takes about 20 minutes. Copying is as fast as your network. Updating metadata can be done whenever.

  • There are a lot of programming languages that compile down to JavaScript. I used to be big into Dart, but lost interest when they became solely focused on Flutter.

    I personally like using Haxe as it compiles to actual readable JavaScript (and, for fun, a bunch of other languages).