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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
3 mo. ago

  • IQ tests are not an objective measurement of intelligence! It kinda measures pattern recognition and some other skill! Its a scam to sell preparatory classes for itself!

    40-50-ish years ago they quite popular! You were required to take one for uni admissions, for appliying to work… Well before we found out its bs!

  • I was not talking about any sort of ethics? The really has been actively dumbing its ppl down since vietnam!

    No, living conditions objectively used to be the best! In the 80-s the minimal wage was 3. something dollars while a bigmac only cost 25 pennies(?)! And you can argue, successfully mind you, that does not excuse its crimes against humanity as if its wealth were to steam from that… But life used to be, or at least I heard, great in the us! Shame, well not for us but for you guys, that communism ended and that your(?) non-democratic system has no longer any reason to provide you with good lives!

  • So you think that hungary is not an eu member?

    And if i can bother scroll up you will see that @sunzu2 said that outrageous nonsense that the eu invaded afganistan for which you linked the german participation in the us invasion :)

  • Again, can you maybe read your links? It exclusively gives examples of immortality of the US?

    Also on a diff note:

    It claims that the poverty of the peripheral countries is the result of how they are integrated in the global economic system. Dependency theory derives from the Marxist analysis of economic inequalities within the world's system of economies, thus, under-development of the periphery is a direct result of development in the centre.

    Which rlly sound like some nationalistic bs from someone who is butthurt from being colonized, doesn’t it? I am sure europeans rowed over to africa in small boats to claim colonies!

    The economic dependency is another fun segment for implying that the smaller countries don’t want the larger one’s investment in return of soft power!

  • Russia is going to teleport soldiers over the other side of Ukraine to to occupy Moldova! I heard that too!

    Look up what surrender means! And no the us had no alliance with Ukraine

    Can I ask you to look up what you are talking about before jerking it into a response? Appreciated!

  • So from I am apparently a temper tantrum throwing bot?

    Righties Trump did surrender in a fucking war he wasn’t a part in and the eu, aside from moral ones not that you an american would be capable of understanding those, has no reason to help Ukraine! And eu is really just wants to personally antagonize Putin, not defend the sovereignty of a neutral state, so that the old incompetent dictator may be replaced by a possibly young competent one! Lots of sense-sies