theUwUhugger @ theUwUhugger Posts 1Comments 219Joined 3 mo. ago
I have never claimed a 140 IQ, nor have I unjustly claimed to of a profession I am not! I am not the one trying to compensate for something here?
But can you answer that one question for me? Pretty please?
I do am getting tired of you
You have edited your first comment 3 different times as you have edited almost all your other comments! Do you think ppl are not going to look it up if that nono you didn’t?
You did and I hope everyone looks up your edit history
I am suuure they do, pray tell what fabled country that might be?
You referred to ‘my country’ how many times now? Can you maybe, just maybe your the name of your country as a synonym for once? You can change it postumus if you walk yourself into another corner!
Pffffffffffffffff 😂
You know its so sad that this might even work out for you, after all Trump supporters too refused to read the jan files
But you have yet to answer my one question! Does your miniscular penis feel larger for lying on the internet?
I don’t even know what you are talking about, I honestly don’t even know what you are talking about…
You just can’t stop lying, can you?
An ASVAB is not an IQ test, which you would know if you took one; which you would especially know if you just happened to specialize an unnamed (very very convincing) next to IQ tests!
So you didn’t take it get into uni, huh?
If you were ever a soldier, or even if you ever a conscript you would not refer to yourself as an officer! Your contract would state that you may refer to yourself as one without rank, as you are part of the fucking reserve!
Aaand you found the edit button! You know your edit history is publicly available?
But you still refused to answer me! Does your miniscular penis for lying on the internet!
IQ tests went out of fashion mid 80-ties and they were only ever required in the very very top universities! There is no military academy in the world where you would have been asked for one!
140 is not a good a score! 140 is fucking legendary!!! Which would have been again explained to you if you ever achieved that, which again you would remember since its the equivalent of winning an olympic! But you don’t have a singular fucking clue what a 140 means on an IQ test… How very curious…
Ones military service starts at the end of their training, then you will be required to put your oaths down! Your bulshitting couldn’t even be chalked up as a semblance of protecting your anonymity! Graduation lists of military establishments are not public and even if they were there are 70-200-ish cadets in every year!
And soldiers can and do talk constantly about their service (ps thats how you can spot valor stealers on the internet, ppl like you :))! They are not allowed to talk of restricted info and missions! If you were a career secret sevice agent, you would not talk about being a soldier on the internet!
Another thing that makes absolutely no sense are the refresher courses and is a quite stupid attempt of weaseling out of the question! Most manuals were written in the 60-ties and have yet to be updated! And if you received new equipment you would not be sent back to uni! You would be taken to a field to practice with it!
Now tell me! Does your minsicular penis feel larger for lying and pretending to be a big man on the internet?
No that meant that you could afford a 2-3-4 week long preparatory course!or were pursuing one of a few very specific fields of mathematics! And you putting good in quotation marks strongly insinuates that you have no idea what a 140 on an IQ test means, which makes it absolutely impossible for you to have received it since it would have been explained to you! And ppl do tend to remember the equivalent of winning the olimpics, you know?
But I am sure that you received military training 40-50 years ago! Say, where and when did you receive it under whose preliminary command?
The bible views man on man to be a crime equivalent to genocide? Well, genocide of the belivers…
Being interested in an objective measurement of your intellect? Silliest fucking thing I have ever heard!
Uh-huh and everyone stood up to clap buddy?
You know, its a thing to jerk off to yer fantasies but your fantasy is a high IQ score? Really? Was Ariana Grande not in danger in your dreams or something?
But surely you are aware that companies are trying to sell it off as objectively measurement of int, successfully so since most of the population regards them so? This lil part is my issue!
Perchance you should demonstrate it in your own sentences?
like this .
If you meant the dot(?) as a demonstrative then you yourself have not ended your sentence! If you meant the empty before the dot(?) as the demonstrative then you make no sense!
I am really not sure what you are trying to say, sorry!
But the test were invented in the 1800-s by a French dude for preschool kids to see who requires more attention for their development?
My issue is not with its name!
The companies still are trying to sell IQ test off as objective measurement of intelligence and overwhelming measurement of the population believes it to be so!