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Anon casts a healing spell
  • I am unsure from what this is from, but I once read a story in which a form of healing magic exists. One requirement for it to work was that the person being healed needs to be OK with it. If someone tried to cure your paralyzed legs and you don't want them to be "fixed" as you don't view as an issue or being paralyzed is just part of how you are, then the magic can't work on you.

  • Deleted
    No thanks. I'm good.
  • If you are a living organism with the capacity to tell misery or pain just hope that humans don't find out you can make a product that nothing else an can. If you do end up I'm that situation, you will be turned into a biological machine that receives the minimum amount of necessities met as to not impact production.

  • It's so rare for me that it's always welcomed with open arms.
  • My boyfriend can just 'turn his head off'. I don't get it. I have a constant stream of thoughts / music / whatever going on in my brain. Only once I got to experience what its like to 'not have a thought' and that's after taking medication to deal with a panic attack. The next 30 minutes after it was just quiet. It was a very bizzare experience.

  • Satisfactory Release Date Announcement (September 10)
  • I mean the end of beta an entering full release is pretty noteworthy. Especially because there is a lot of content they have been working on over the years which is being held back for the end (most notably the story). After that Coffee Stain will either move towards making something new or creating some kind of expansion for the game.

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • I think this is what it's meant to be about. "How do I afford a good amount of protein with not much money?", is the question it's answering.

    It reminds me of a Reddit post I read several years ago where someone shared their advice on how they managed to live under extreme poverty. They spent a good amount of time talking about what foods are the most cost effective to buy and this chart lines up with what they have been saying pretty well.

  • To this day, I don't know what it was meant for
  • It depends. I'm using gnome, and from it can be activated either on the login screen or later from the settings menu. In both cases you just have to use the mouse or keys to navigate to it.

  • Non-binary
  • Most of these groups are simply "A" and "Everything not A". Either a number is odd or it is even. Either a place is lit up or it is dark.

    That being said there are also some cases in there where there is more than just two categories (like male-female or plant-animal) but we, for the most part, only think about the most important / biggest ones.

    All of this probably comes down to the fact that in order to make sense of the world or brain constantly tries to put things into categories to quickly assess what something is or isn't. And it makes sense that the easiest way to categorize things is by just going "Is this A or B"?

  • That's not troubling at all
  • AGI stand for artificial general intelligence. It would be a AI smart and capable enough to perform theoretically any task just as good as a human would. Most importantly a AGI could do so with tasks it has never done before and could learn them in a similar time frame as a human (perhaps faster).

    Pretty much all robots you see in SciFi walking around and acting similar to humans are AGI's.

  • Helldivers 2 CEO: Well that's depressing
  • I might be wrong about this, but if I remember right, the PR team for NMS and the dev team had pretty much zero communication. Sony kept hyping the game up, very much making promises that the devs were trying to keep. However during development it became increasingly that they either need to push back on the release date or drop some features, neither of which Sony was ready to do. At that point it was already too late: the hype was built.

    So instead of trying to do damage control Sony just pushed Murray in the focus, probably hoping he and his company would take the fall. Honestly it feels hard to blame him for what happened. He, at the time, was just an incredibly ambitious indie dev with no idea on how to manage expectations.

    I feel like with Sony as your publisher, you don't need enemies.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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