sunfur82 @ sunfur82 Posts 0Comments 27Joined 4 days ago
Exactly. In fact, didn't Trump once say he loved the uneducated? An informed electorate, one that's capable of critical thinking, is the one thing every dictator would fear. Makes it harder for them to manipulate the masses. Which would explain why Trump wants to close down the Department of Education.
It's funny, a few months back, it felt like nothing could have stopped PP from getting a super majority. But now, the majority's in doubt, and in some polls, he'd actually be trailing Carney. Not by much, but it's still significant to see how much things have changed. A lot of PP's attack ads and popularity were based on Trudeau fatigue, but if PP puts out attack ads saying Carney is Trudeau 2.0, I'm not sure how effective they'll be.
Yeah, I think a lot of MAGA, and other Republicans, don't realize that the 'radical left' democrats, would be seen as right-wing by many other western nations' standards. And the whole thing about them being the 'leader of the free world' is sickening and hilarious at the same time.
Canada is 11th in the Cato Human Freedom Index, while the US, the 'freest nation in the world is 17th'. They have no business talking to us, or ANYONE ahead of them in that index, about being free. And most of the nations ahead of them in that freedom index, are from Europe, the 'socialist nations' as MAGA and others like to call them.
Great, thanks!
That's awesome, thanks for sharing, just downloaded the app now. But it says that donations are currently disabled on IOS due to App Store policies.
Good work. And I agree that the media is included, and it should be highlighted and made more public just how many news outlets are controlled by US companies. I honestly don't think a lot of the general public are aware of how much control the US has over many of our new outlets. Maybe people might have suspected it before, but not cared, but I think they'd care more now, given the US's recent actions, and share that with the people around them.
They're just all over the place at this point. One moment they're accusing the Canadian government of being totalitarian, then next moment they're saying it's been overtaken by cartels from Mexico. Like, ffs, make up your mind. And funny how they never like to talk about all the illegal guns they allow over their border into Canada. Guess that just screws up their narrative.
Honestly, I wasn't comfortable going to the US ever since Trump got elected the first time. This is just another reason to never visit that place again. Would rather vacation somewhere in Canada, or if there's a great travel deal, visit Europe.
Yeah, I have a Home Depot less than 5 min from me. But now I just go the extra distance to Canadian Tire for a lot of the supplies that I usually got from Home Depot. It's not as convenient, takes longer, and some of those items may cost a little more, but that doesn't matter to me anymore. I know some items will be American, and that there are no Canadian equivalents, but I'm just trying to avoid US-made products wherever I can.
I deleted all my amazon accounts a few weeks ago, and have no plans to go back. When I order things now, I'll just order through the vendor instead of Amazon, I can live with it taking longer or costing a bit more.
Yeah, I don't think they understand that, by and large, most Canadians won't react to sensationalist attack ads the way Americans will. Well, Conservatives may eat it up, but outside of their base, a lot of people will be more bothered by the tone and brazenness of some of their messages, than by what they're claiming about Carney.
I think the important thing for Carney and the Liberals, is to not get into too much mud slinging. They have every right to attack, but they should focus on PP's refusal to get security clearance, and how someone like that can't be trusted to lead them in these times. They should bring up how PP wants to be more closely aligned with the USA, while the Liberals want to diversify their trade and relations, so that they're not as dependant on any one country. It's a simple strategy of not putting all of one's eggs in one basket. I think that's something a lot of Canadians would understand and support.
They should also bring up PP's record on how few bills (if any) he passed, and point out that PP, for all his talk, is a career politician, and that his economic record doesn't compare to Carney's. There was also a rumour that PP would pick Andrew Sheer as his Finance Minister. Andrew Sheer, the person who had dual citizenship (Canadian and US). It's fair to bring that up, considering the state of affairs between Canada and the USA.
Sounds good. But until he does anything, it's just bluster and tough talk. It needs to happen. And it has to go on for a few days, with Americans REALIZING why Canada's taken that action. They have to realize why more and more people, more and more countries, hate them. But it's not enough for them to know that, they have to have their own lives disrupted. And realize that it's their own government's fault that all of this is happening.
Good. The US should be given the cold shoulder, or not be given the same access and information they had before. They can’t be trusted. Does anyone really think he wouldn’t share any information he’s given with his Russian handlers? Right now, they're a threat to the other four members' national security.
Yeah, I remember that. They said they were doing it because they were patriots and speaking up for all of Canada (complete bs). But now there's an actual threat, and we don't hear from them.
The same people that did all that to protest wearing masks, are some of the same people who stood outside an immigration centre in Alberta with signs saying that immigrants were not welcome and should go home. Ironically, this time, those 'patriots' WERE wearing masks. But why? Why not own it if they're not afraid to let everyone know how they feel?
That's why I'd never get one. And the way Musk is now, I don't care if he may not be as involved in its daily operations, I wouldn't want anything to do with it. Some friends bought Teslas before Trump and Musk started making those comments. They want to get rid of their models, but are having trouble finding sellers.
Exactly. I just don't know why more conservatives who say they are all about Canadian sovereignty and security, still don't care that PP still refuses to get clearance.
Yes, but it's been updated a lot since then, I think the current iteration is the E-series.
He has to be. I can't think of any other reason why he'd be trying to hard to antagonize and disrespect long-time allies, while praising Russia. He then made that ridiculous statement that Ukraine started the war, when Russia was the one who invaded them, and also said that Zelensky should be 'nicer' to Putin. But Putin, who ordered the attack that caused who knows how many deaths, shouldn't be 'nicer'?
There was also the first term, where Trump fired the FBI director over an investigation into Russia, and then told Russia that he fired 'that nut job'. What kind of message does that send to their own people? Not just that he fired the director, but that he bragged about it to the people he was investigating.
I honestly think most of the GOP knows, but they're too embarrassed to admit it. Or maybe it's just pride, they think it's beneath them to be held accountable to anyone.
Feel the same way. He basically has the US Treasury now, and can do whatever he wants with his DOGE, I doubt he cares about Tesla.