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Bad faith actors are busy these days.
  • Nothing gets better permanently under Democrats. Nothing gets better under Republicans. You sir or ma'am, are a moron, and a traitor to the Republic. You've chosen the side of traitors. You're either a shill, or a willing idiot. Your kind have a new world to face. One without your comfortable lies instead of inconvenient truths. Now your kind along with everyone else your kind has doomed, has to face harsh realities. Enjoy the apocalypse. Should be a show.

  • Large Majority of Americans Want to End Electoral College
  • It will be a cold, dark day, over my dead body, when New York City has more voting power than all of Washington state. I will fight people to the death to keep the electoral college. Get you're moronic facts straight, the Electoral keeps high population areas from forcing their ideals on the rest of the Nation, it also makes cheating harder. FIX THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE! Fine. But remove it and you give the ruling class the ability to add a billion votes nation wide and winning an election, instead of now where they cheat district to district. Just because it's becoming obvious your drug war baron might not win because people hate that she had jailed people for simple drug possessions, and she's as much a traitor to the Republic as Donnie T, you don't get to change the rules. GET A BETTER CANDIDATE WORTHLESS DEMOCRATS! Weak humans blame the system for their weak candidates, when it's them and their candidate that are to blame, not the system that rejects them.

  • Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second
  • If you have a smart device, someone is doing this with it. Best options to reduce their ability to access your devices: smart TV's - don't connect them to the internet unless you're updating the firmware. Use a streaming stick for streaming services, and then your privacy violations are minimized to the streaming stick that doesn't have a mic, or camera. Some controllers do have a mic, it's only a problem with who is making the tech. Other smart devices like fridge, microwave, oven, washer, etc, just never connect them to the internet, they likely will work fine their entire life without a network connection. Personal smart devices such as smart phones, remove google, and apple. Neither can truly be trusted, however apple does have a track record of keeping their snooping to themselves for what that's worth. For robots, they will likely need a network connection, I recommend supporting home automation projects that will allow us to replace the OS on our robot vacuums, and food delivery devices with one that connects to a home based server that doesn't need an internet connection. But never, ever, trust a smart device that is within hearing, seeing, or is touching you. It is a monitoring device, and it is being used that way by anyone with enough power.

  • me_irl
  • Chick knew. She thought he would be a better "second husband" when he hits mid to early 40's. Trust me, you're better off without an egotistical self serving maniac. Just get a dog, walk them daily, it's better than a human, and prosititutes can cover the rest. They wanted to play games, don't. Let the women rot in their shitty relationships, and instead YOU create the world you always wanted to be a part of, and never let their kind into it.

  • 'It explodes': Trump's latest rant against green energy falsely attacks 'hydrogen cars'
  • Hydrogen comes from water. Oil comes from pits deep in the earth. To turn an engine: We make controlled explosions inside a steel chamber to turn a crank using refined oil. The theory of operation does not change for hydrogen powered cars, the process of extracting it does. Hydrogen: A truck pulls up to a beach - drop a hose - tank is full so wrap up the hose and drive off. For oil - first you need gigantic oil pumps, then you drill a massive damned hole in the ground. At this point hydrogen is easier. The absolutely insanely stupid statement of "they explode", yeah you moron, so did the Gremlin when they got rear ended, you don't blame the fuel you blame the engineer. Complete idiots speaking their mind think they know, but in reality hydrogen and oxygen could replace oil and natural gas over night and there would be no change so long as the systems were engineered to handle the change in gases. Mostly it would be flow reducers because hydrogen and oxygen burn hotter and faster than oil and natural gas. But any explosions outside of the engine itself, are engineering failures, not of the fuel type which is one of the dumbest uneducated statements I have ever heard about a fuel type - " it blows up so I don't like it" you rancid hotdog, what do you think gas does? A gallon of gas can send a 1 ton car 30miles, if you ignite it directly it can send every part of your body 30miles in every direction. IT'S WHAT FUEL DOES!!! WHAT MATTERS IS HOW WE ACQUIRE IT! THE TECH IS BUILT AROUND THE FUEL! Weak damn humans.

  • Fuck Cars.
  • Cities should be transportation centric. Not just cars, not just bus, or bike, or walkable, it should be designed to fit them all together so people can use whatever they want and it's not a headache. Cities currently are NOT car centric, otherwise traffic lights would be timed correctly by a standard that works. Cities are "create traffic" centric, and there is no intentional design going into making sure people can get from point A to point B under any circumstances. The metrics they currently use on traffic is how long people spend in it, so if you get frustrated and simply go home instead of running errands, they see that as a success. One less person. Instead of supporting local economies by making travel easier in general.

  • Nintendo Patent Approved in August Could Be What It Uses Against Palworld
  • Keep watching. Everything unfortunately was chosen this way. The ruling class is experiencing their first real doses of reality. It won't be over night changes, but it only gets worse for the ruling class from here. Sic semper tyrannis.

  • Nintendo Patent Approved in August Could Be What It Uses Against Palworld
  • Just stop buying Nintendo. I sure did, last 2 things I bought was used 6ish mo ago, and now I'm out for good. Never looking back. Nintendo's boat is sunk. It's going to be monumentus when Nintendo is crushed. They earned what happens next.

  • Amazon's Monopoly of the tech industry is ruining the US economy
  • Amazon most times has name brand stuff that isn't electronics that you can have delivered very quickly. But seriously, any device, anything with an expiration, shoes, anything that might break in transit, off brand plastic crap, and any other of the useless items amazon carries, just buy a name brand directly from the manufacturers website. You will most likely get a tested product, and when something goes wrong you can talk directly to the manufacturer support. Not amazon. Also, purely anecdotal right now, but check your bank account for amazon purchase totals that don't match you order history... I got 3 charges for $24~ in 3 days when I hadn't ordered for a week, and now I have to fight thru automation to get it fixed.

  • jk, I'm still tired
  • When you get prescribed the correct anti anxiety meds, it's like a cheat code that stops anxiety from having an impact, and still allows you to feel an act normally. I took escitalopram(lexapro), and it changed everything. Before: just wanted to be left alone anxiety was so bad Now: I am the foot steps dumb people fear when they dare tread upon ground they don't belong on. I am darkwing duck.

  • Republicans Boost Jill Stein as Potential Harris Spoiler
  • Neither Harris, nor Trump should be president. I hope they both have heart attacks and we are stuck with their VP's, I'd vote for waltz, he wants to help people. Both Komrad Kamala, a Conman Trumpet, only want to enrich themselves and to do it at the sacrifice of everything you have to give. I will personally never accept a Democrat or Republican in office. The new normal for me is hating both parties so damn much I won't truly rest until they are all on trial for treason, or hanging from the gallows. Nancy and Mitch, you both deserve to dangle in front of a crowd. Short noose and a quick drop. Republic saved.

  • Jill Stein Is Killing the Green Party
  • Unless dems and reps cheat. Green party is doing better this election simply because Harris is a drug Barron, and Trump is a shiester. This article is their windbags blowing because people aren't gobbling up their plates of human shit and voting for it... What comes next is gonna blow some peoples minds(figuratively ofcourse).

  • Hezbollah hits back with more than 100 rockets across a wider and deeper area of Israel
  • Palestine has a right to defend itself. If Israel really wanted the terrorists they would have been just blowing them up the whole time. Israel wants the innocent citizens, her people crave the blood of dead Palestine children, they cheer when Palestinians are raped and tortured in prisons. Palestine has a right to defend herself from the psychotic Israeli's. Just like Israel used to have a right to defend itself prior to it becoming palestine genocide(so like 30yrs ago).

  • Tor says it’s "still safe" amid reports of police deanonymizing users
  • First, randomize your mac, shutdown anything that can "dial home" (updates, sync, logged in apps, etc) then connect to internet then anonymous VPN, then connect to the tor network, use an anonymized browser with NO java enabled, never download anything -copy paste text, and screen cap images-, if your network drops the popo's are trying to do a "reconnect" attack to see if they can get an unprotected connection to the material you were looking at. Use a livedisk on USB and you likely won't get bios level attacks, as live disks make it harder to access your bios. Source: a boring ass individual that just wants the gov off their jock strap, suck it Joe my FBI agent, you know what you did.

  • ‘Useful Idiot for Russia’: DNC Decides to Go Off on Jill Stein
  • The DNC screwed themselves forcing a drug Baron on their public. Jill Stein isn't a traitor to the Republic like The Entire Democrat Party is, so she has a very cromulent chance, and a valid campaign unlike the Traitors to the Republic Democrats. Their scared ff Jill Stein because they made a shitty decision and it's haunting them that they forced it on us. Eat a bag of cheetos dicks, Traitors to the Republic garbage. I look forward to your trial.

  • ‘Cold-Blooded Business’: Nintendo Is Patent Trolling Palworld Because It Got Too Big
  • I was a Nintendo fan my entire life. I literally own almost every Nintendo console (no vrboy). Nintendo made the unfortunate decision to not create quality games, but to litigate for profit. I will never go back to Nintendo so long as they still have Gary Bowser's life in their hands. Nintendo has lost life long fans over their action towards competitors, and their inability to make a quality game(say what you want but Pokémon is half assed compared to palworld). I look forward to the eventual bankruptcy filing from Nintendo. I might buy Mario.

  • Path to Glory
  • I won't sleep with anyone because I despise the willfull ignorance everyone thinks they deserve to have. Does this mean everyone but me is going to become a nationalist overnight? Asking for myself. No friends. I found I despise them too.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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