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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago
  • From my point of view the mathematicians are evil. I can't stand them using i in my math classes, messing my whole scheme up. Respect for my physics prof in my first semester for switching to use the correct letter j

  • Do you mean, like reverse time? From my understanding of the concept of entropy, it strives to a maximum, meaning maximum disorder, by your definition the big bang.

    Or maybe do you have link where I can look into it? Sounds interesting

  • It was a production by his show "ZDF Magazin Royale". They funded it with the Rundfunkbeitrag (fee for the state public service broadcaster (radio and television)), a fee every German household has to pay monthly, around 19€