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  • the possibly white reddit leftcoms here acting like they know more than angela davis is hilarious.

    Her work on prisons is lauded but she failed to apply her own principles consistently with regards to USSR.

    do you think davis put pen to paper to write some of the best existing theory out there on prison abolition and then just suddenly forgot all of it when it came to the USSR? i wonder what she thinks about a bunch of redditors basically saying they know her own theory better than herself.

  • What do we know about Colorado's war on the homeless?
  • a lot of these shelters will also prohibit substances on the premises and not all of them involve treatment programs, so if you are addicted to a substance (usually fentanyl right now), you'd have to go cold turkey just for housing. you're expected to get clean on the street and then get housing.

  • Chinese scientists reach milestone on road to world’s first autism jab
  • discussion on whether it actually works or not aside, i thought we've kinda agreed that ethically its wrong to treat neurodivergence as a disease to be cured. it's a cool scientific innovation, if only in mice, but i'm hoping that the chinese state and party spend more time deliberating the ethical question of this technology.

  • Top Russian court bans LGBT movement as 'extremist'
  • for some people it might be that, for others it might just be reactionary conservative beliefs about gender.

  • Yo comrades, 2024 is near us, Whats Ya'll going to do next year ?
  • maybe stop drinking depending on how the year goes

  • How's it going?
  • mix of good and bad. i've been having some successes recently in the romantic realm, i've got some dates planned which has definitely provided some source of joy in my life. but overall, i haven't been sleeping at all the last few days and recent events have been making me so increasingly hateful and angry at the evil capitalist system that it genuinely brings me down all day. the days are blurring into one and everywhere i go i feel enraged.

  • Thoughts on Batushka band?
  • absolutely love batushka. their sound is super unique within black metal and honestly i think works super well in the genre (with the orthodox style church singing and all that). just be mindful of the two batushkas, there was some conflict between some of the members and one member took over the band or something and pushed the singer out. this was after liturgiya, their first album. he does his own thing, a different batushka with an album called panihida, which i think is much better than the other batushka's stuff.

  • When the lib says Putler ordered Hamas
  • is your source for this call of duty or something?

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    SpaceX launched its giant new rocket but explosions end the second test flight
  • any self respecting space nerd will vehemently oppose any kind of private venture into space instead of jerking it off online for "accomplishments" (which ones?). space belongs to humanity, not capitalist greed.

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    SpaceX launched its giant new rocket but explosions end the second test flight
  • what amazing technological milestones have they hit aside from docking with the space station and putting a fucking car into orbit?

  • How would the rise of fascism impact the LGBTQ+ movement?
  • if the openly fascist american politicians (the republicans. the democrats are fascists as well, but they are more about silently enabling the republicans in their evil actions) have their way, they will institute systematic ways to strip LGBTQ+ people of their dignity and freedoms first, and then begin actions that will kill us off. states banning hormone therapy are already examples of policies meant to begin killing off trans people. its the same process worldwide honestly.

  • What topics have you taken a 180° turn on?
  • AI. even as a communist, i thought that we could just make minor progress in AI research and then overthrow capitalism and have socialist AI which will be awesome. but after seeing the internet polluted with AI-created drivel (that "internet is mostly bots" theory might be true in all honesty...the capitalists would absolutely do something like that to make the internet look more populated because a lot of industries now rely on the internet) and ben shapiro using AI generated fake images to fuel hate against palestine, i want to see AI completely gone. i despise it. if i had the choice to destroy AI and LLMs and all that shit, i would. and i say this as someone in a field that is currently seeing some fledgling AI implementation.

  • Nobel Prizes are a sham and super Anglo and Eurocentric
  • redditors try not to post white supremacist content challenge (impossible)

  • What even is chemtrail conspiracy bullshit?
  • its a mere product of the lack of quality scientific education in capitalist countries, as are most conspiracy theories. nobody understands what a vapor trail is, so it must be planes releasing a mind-control gas into the atmosphere or something.

    these conspiracy theories are often woven together under larger unifying ones (new world order, Qanon/deepstate, etc), and this one is part of the NWO thing where the chemtrails are allegedly part of the effort to drug humanity into submission, along with like fluoride toothpaste and aspartame and vaccines. again, it's all just severe lack of scientific literacy, usually because of substandard capitalist education in the united states and europe. even if the theory were to be true, dispersing gas into the atmosphere via plane trails is an incredibly inefficient way of doing so i think.

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  • pointing out foreign policy mistakes is significantly different from claiming that deng executed a coup that made china capitalist

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  • its just ultras being blinded by idealism. the road to socialism must adhere exactly to their idealistic, squeaky-clean plan and anything less is stalinist authoritarian dictatorship genocide or whatever. material conditions be damned, the path is prescribed to be one way and it must be followed. its a critically poor understanding of dialectical materialism.

    or maybe they, deep down, want to see socialism fail across the world. if they didn't, why would they attack AES so ruthlessly? i'm not sure exactly, but these are my two thoughts on why ultras are the way they are.

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  • capitalism is when you use tiny amounts of private investments in order to bolster socialist state industry? i had no idea!

    ultras seriously believe that deng just made china into america or something in the 80s

  • Against new atheism
  • its definitely still a thing in some irl spaces actually. i've seen atheist groups irl that will espouse new atheist cringe talking points insulting all religions. they do sometimes go after christians too, at least, but it seems like a lot of what they do is go after islam.

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  • the US is so committed to accountability for atrocities that they gave the nazis high-paying jobs building rockets...

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  • it says 2-18-2003, so i'm assuming it is

  • su25 su25


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