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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Can you please chill with the dramatic doomerism about Russia.

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    Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • getting affection post transition is a super cool feeling

  • Featured
    Trans megathread for the week of September 23rd to 29th. - How to preform CPR
  • real. not a big fan of a lot of cishet relationship posts on this forum lately

  • Melenchon supports the resistance
  • The yellow jackets was a specific movement in 2018-2019 that was mainly about cost of living/gas prices (ergo the vests, which are you are required to have in a car). That was 5 years ago. Right now, the NFP parties, unions and other leftist orgs are protesting against Macron.

  • Must watch Soviet movies?
  • I really enjoyed July Rain (romance), Courier (coming of age), and I am Cuba (the story of the revolution)

  • A French Fair as Workers’ Paradise, Feting Cuisine, Music and Communism
  • There is a similar thing in Belgium! Manifiesta

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Interestingly, GDR was getting quite progressive on lgbt issues around 1989. In the USSR, some gay rights groups were formed around the same time. The problem with perestroika and glasnost was that reactionary currents/topics/speech far outweighed any progressive movements.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Maybe a bit of both? I wouldn’t underestimate the reactionary ideology part though. After 1991, "traditional values" have firmly replaced socialism to explain why Russia is better than the west. Since the country was brutally transitioning to capitalism, there had to be an ideological reasoning for the suffering (blaming marginalized people of course). The Orthodox Church had a lot of influence on it, as well as patriarchal criminal gangs that were very prominent in the 90s and very connected to the ruling class. So it’s not like the people on top are disconnected from the reactionary elements, they came to power through them and continue to benefit from it.

    Is there a part that doesn’t care? Maybe. There are quite a few oligarchs who have permanent residencies in europe, or send their kids to study there. But to me it is kinda like Republicans sending kids to Ivy League but then saying that they teach Marxism or something. Benefiting from privilege doesn’t necessarily mean than you’re not culturally conservative.

  • I Think I'm Going To Look For A Therapist
  • I would recommend a therapist! Although keep in mind that the first therapist you meet might not be the best fit for you (I went through several until I found someone I had productive sessions with). It takes time and energy but the long term benefits are definitely worth it

  • Feminism and Astrology
  • god forbid women get distracted by anything

  • Unlearning Economics Gets Marxism Wrong: A Response
  • agreed. it is definitely part of the breadtube culture of positioning oneself as radical, while not straying too far for keynesian social democracy. maybe a better title would be "unlearning neoliberal economics", since that is what he is actually deconstructs, not capitalist economics fundamentally. for UE it is probably much less effort, since EU/UK econ schools already are much more focused on keynesian or behavioral economics than in US (he has a behavioral econ degree). for US viewership it is seen as super radical. so it is probably his econ courses just adapted to youtube

  • Unlearning Economics Gets Marxism Wrong: A Response
  • i think he described himself as a market socialist at some point. and yeah his marxism takes are the worst. its the common western problem of thinking that marx wrote good antitrust laws or something

  • From Radical to Lib: Angela Davis "Electing Harris will open space for more radical struggles"
  • She was pro Harris getting nominated for VP, so it checks out. At least Davis is consistent

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • yeah rybar is an ultranationalist. the soviet narratives that he wants to rethink are internationalism and multiculturalism

  • Ebook or Physical?
  • ebbok. it's cheaper in the long run, easier to carry around (on public transport for instance), can highlight and bookmark easily

  • Is it actually common to always use cursive in Russian?
  • If I were to reform Russian right now I would make stress markers obligatory (in addition to improving gendering). It would make it so much easier to learn, even though maybe it’ll look a bit cluttered.

  • Is it actually common to always use cursive in Russian?
  • Even in high school some teachers wouldnt say anything if it wasnt written in cursive. I think it is getting sort of phased out by the younger generations.