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Look Ma, No Batteries! Hands On With Lenovo's Self-Charging Keyboard
  • I meant there's a variety 😅

  • Look Ma, No Batteries! Hands On With Lenovo's Self-Charging Keyboard
  • Yes, USB C dondles, adapters and docks exist.

  • LPIC notes (just started)
  • Thanks to you!

  • Can anyone suggest me a good digital wellbeing like app?
  • Old versions keep their license, its something. And a fork may start.

  • What's Mastodon precious?
  • I think Twitter is so, so awful but used, so the bar is in hell. Most things are an improvement compared to Twitter. And ppl use to praise corporations before communities (if they remember communities at all), so, in this case, Bluesky takes all credit.

  • What's Mastodon precious?
  • Bluesky has useful tools. But (almost) all lists were made by the community of Bluesky users. Curation was made by users.

  • Microsoft Teams is dog shit
  • Probably, dogfooding is common.

  • What is a gender neutral replacement for man, guys, buddy, etc?
  • Remember, non binary ppl exist too! (in reference of "both genders")

  • skrlet13 skrlet13

    Soy skrlet13, le misme de Chilemasto

    Pronombre: Elle

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