shtpst @ shtpst Posts 1Comments 4Joined 2 yr. ago
Older folks are born into their version of a socially acceptable system. They have a child that doesn’t fit that mold. In their mind it would be easier for their child to stop being so “naive” if they would accept their old world view. What they don’t realize is that the world view has pivoted away and now they are the alienated one. Should they protect their own children, yes. Does social pressure work that way, no.
This headset doesn’t use a dongle, it connects using the built in wireless connection. But you bring up a good point. Maybe the wireless mechanism is on the back of the console. I’ll try rotating the Xbox to see if it’s any better. Thanks!
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I really wish there was a way to turn off the ‘quick resume’ feature. It never seems to work properly for online multiplayer games. I always have to boot the game, force quit, and boot the game again to get them to work correctly