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2 yr. ago


    Started off good than the company just started to alter everything 😔

  • @riskable @Luffy879

    I half agree with this I think maybe somebody should try arch first before using Gentoo because gentoo takes more time to compile

  • @azimir
    I know the arch repos do since I'm on it, but if they ever check out a hacked one make sure it is safe just in case!

    Ive had issues with mint before, I belive I was using an Intel laptop when I faced the issue, are they on Intel ?

    Games can be very annoying and yoi gotta then graphics down at least in my case :0 but in the future it will get a lot better :D have you tried the custom proton ?

    Also sorry for the late reply, I have been busy ^^

  • @azimir
    Good :)

    Hm what distro do most of them use ?

    I'm not sure why it isn't on their repo I know there is a .deb for it, maybe there is any other Linux launcher for Discord but for me discord just works whenever there is an update because I'm on a rolling release distro

    Also steam can be a bit frustrating I brought watch dogs because it was on sale and it won't run with proton, I believe it works on lutris but I dont wanna install it just to play one game :0

  • @azimir
    All I will say is your kid is smart and you should be a very proud man :)

    I suggest as a linux dude myself, keep encouraging him :D and as an extra suggestion if he wants to learn more about Linux see if he wants to try out arch linux because that has taught me a lot over the time I have used it :D

  • @azimir @urska

    I'm happy your kids are into Linux! It's better to raise on then windows in my opinion.