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:projetstodon: Shalien
:projetstodon: Shalien @ shalien

They / Them :pridecatpan: :wolf:

🇫🇷 Moi c'est @shalien Adminsitrateur d'instance Masotodon et passionné d'informatique

Généralement entrain de bricoler un logiciel par si, par là ou d'écrire un peu .

🇺🇸 Hello, I'm @shalien (they/them) , Administrator of the mastodon instance and general nerd !

Nonbinary #Dev #Sysadmin #Fediadmin #matrix #mastodon #ipv6 #https [#killopenai](https://

2 yr. ago
  • @theneverfox @HiddenLayer555 Euh... that's network / sysadmin more than programming .

  • @SchmidtGenetics There's a lot of way of doing in things in network and all of them are "good" given a specific context or need. As long it work the way you want, that the point .

  • @SchmidtGenetics @HiddenLayer555 No. 127.0.0.x will always be localhost / local machine in any network. What you're referring to 192.168.x.x and 10.x.x.x are normalized local network addressing, 192.168 widely used by ISP on their router for home client and 10 being used by companies IT.

  • @manucode @nutomic The thing is Wikipedia is losing user' trust because their decisions aren't always clear and some members are clearly tyrannic.

    Maybe it won't replace Wikipedia, but maybe it will send a message to improve.