This is a modded Keychron K6 that I've been carrying on the bus every day to work. I swapped out the stock reds for some Boba u4 silent switches, and also swapped out the stabilizers for Durok v2s. I also did an o-ring burger mount to give it a little bit of a softer feel. Keycaps are cherry charcoal from novelkeys.
It can take some practice. It works best if the hair is already short, like 2-3 days after shaving
Epilator works well, but it's kind of painful
Community for discussion of our little fuzzy friends. Rules: 1. Try to keep discussion on topic 2. Be welcoming to new keepers 3. 🕷️
Discuss tarantulas and the arachnid hobby in a friendly and welcoming community!
Dorotya is the tarantula I've kept for longest. She is very feisty, and never misses a meal!
This is Avalance. She loves to move dirt around, and is always a good eater!
This rose bush has grown like crazy since I got it. I've already re-potted it once, and it's still growing!
It's a lot of work, but having a matching ID is very convenient. And if someone asks for my deadname, I can tell them "I don't know anyone by that name"