Roguelazer @ roguelazer Posts 1Comments 6Joined 1 mo. ago

"Anti-vaccine advocate" is a weird way of phrasing "random unqualified non-doctor who got in trouble for working with his dad to chemically castrate autistic children"
Focusing on airbag-deployments and injuries ignores the obvious problem: these things are unbelievably unsafe for pedestrians and bicyclists. I curse SF for allowing AVs and always give them a wide berth because there's no way to know if they see you and they'll often behave erratically and unpredictably in crosswalks. I don't give a shit how often the passengers are injured, I care a lot more how much they disrupt life for all the people who aren't paying Waymo for the privilege.
The companies that run these residential proxy networks are sketchy as shit and in a better world would be criminally prosecuted. They're tricking random low-information users into installing VPNs and other software with backdoors that turn them into a veritable botnet.
Part of me wonders whether the whole thing is just a set up so Trump can look good for shutting them down...
hey now just because the car is automatically a stratum 1 NTP server doesn't mean it should know what time it is...
oh wait