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Linux gaming is fun
  • I joined when people started moving from reddit to lemmy. In the early days there was not much choice, either this one or the woke beehaw and some other "just started" instances with one or two people. (and lemmingrad ofc) I have recently switched to another one.

  • Linux gaming is fun

    Everyone just loves untested forced updates. /s

    unholy software..
  • Good luck if you have a laptop, where the manufacturer just shut down the servers with the drivers (Sony Vaio) and you have zero chance of getting Windows running properly.

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  • I could not wait to end university, so that I can stop using big tech products. Unfortunately people only use products they are familiar with. If they are always on facebook, they use that for groups. Good luck finding a local community uses anything but facebook groups.

    Edit: at university, many pieces of info reaches you informally. If you are not talking to classmates, you might miss important news as well.

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  • Don't you get charged for every SMS message? Here in Europe I'm grumpy everytime I need to send an SMS, because I'm being charged for something that is completely free through the internet. Not to mention that due to our local characters, an SMS is only 70 chars long.

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  • Can you create an account with a burner email? When I tried it about a year ago, plus some legitimate addresses, it never worked or it straight asked for a phone number. I gave them a temp number, received a code, it 'ran into an unexpected error'.

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    Those of you who are married, how do you go about privacy if your wife or husband does not care?
  • It annoys me as well and I rather not visit any website that refuses my visit because of my adblocker. However, ads work with your unconscious and unfortunately, they work on everyone, that's why the best is to avoid them.

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    Those of you who are married, how do you go about privacy if your wife or husband does not care?
  • I mostly agree with you and frankly it is enough to have one friend who uploads their contacts to big tech firms with yours included and maybe tags you here and there and you are already uploading data without your consent.

    Although what I see recently is that facebook fails to recommend anything interesting to me. I had to keep my account, but deleted everything from the day of my registration and haven't uploaded a single thing for years.

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    Those of you who are married, how do you go about privacy if your wife or husband does not care?
  • My wife sends me products she finds interesting and they all contain the facebook tracker at the end. It is a scientific fact that women are better consumers, hence ads are mostly created for them. My wife hates ads while watching videos, but taps on them during scrolling all the time. Fortunately I haven't been asked to get her off pi-hole. It is tricky with ads, as you think that they are offering a solution for something, but in many cases they are establishing a desire you did not have before.

  • Ti hogy álltok az otthon-automatizáláshoz? Smart Home Tour 2023: How to SAVE Money!

    Let's tour my smart home, and I'll let you know where you should spend more, or save with less expensive options! A few of my favorites from each category... (affiliate links) Smart shades SwitchBot blind tilt: IKEA roller blinds:

    Smart Home Tour 2023: How to SAVE Money!

    A jövővel kapcsolatos filmekből van pár dolog, ami nekem kifejezetten tetszik, pl. amikor a szereplő megérkezik a lakásába és ahogy halad végig, felkapcsolnak a lámpák. Ez ma már simán kivitelezhető. Vannak szerintem egész hasznos automatizációk, például hogy kapcsoljon le minden villany (egyes konnektorok), amikor elhagyod a lakást, illetve hogy induljon el a robotporszívó és takarítson ki, amíg nem vagy otthon. Esetleg hogy ahogy közeledik az este, úgy váltson színhőmérsékletet a fényforrás, hogy ne tartson ébren a kék fény. Nyilván vannak némileg megkérdőjelezhetően hasznos dolgok, minthogy mindenhová hangszórót teszel és mindig abban a helyiségben szól a zene, ahol éppen vagy. Vagy hogy az ébresztőd egy olyan automatizáció, ami szakaszosan húzza fel a motoros redőnyöket vagy dimmelve kapcsol lámpát, amikor felébrednél. Az eszközöket összefogni lehet otthonról is (Home Assistant), nem kell 20 felhő alapú szolgáltatóhoz elköteleződni, viszont amikor legutóbb elkezdtem számolgatni, egy alap automatizáció is több 10 ezer forintba kerülne és nem tudtam soha azt mondani, hogy megér ennyi befektetést.

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