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After being reprimanded for swearing Max verstappen is not answering question in the PC, and is talking to reporters outside
  • You think about it, you hope it will be done...and Max actually does it 🫡

  • Verstappen punished for swearing in Singapore GP press conference
  • It's the same. Liberty is driven by money and it is scared advertisers will take offense and consequentially less money be generated because of it. MBS is cognizant of this concern and started to act as he also is driven by financial motives.

    You could consider Liberty and MBS to be in the same camp on this one. And it is all about financials, not morals.

  • Verstappen punished for swearing in Singapore GP press conference
  • Meh, two peas in a pod as far as I am concerned 🤣

  • Verstappen punished for swearing in Singapore GP press conference
  • This absolute nonsense. Max should push this issue by not complying (maybe even add a little "fuck yous" in the message). What are they going to do? Whatever the next step would be, just ignore and do not comply.

    Force the hand of the FIA to show them for what they are : idiots gatekeeping nonsense. This does nothing for the sport and it is a non-issue.

    Some part of me feels this is a consequence of an American company owning F1 now and implementing these BS actions that seem to be normal in US sports. I was afraid that this mentality would come to F1 and here we are...

  • iOS 18 is available today
  • Ah! Found it!
    iPhone Mirroring

    That was the one. Sadly, not available in the EU for now :-(

  • iOS 18 is available today
  • I seem to remember vaguely that iOS 18 was supposed to have a feature but was left out in the end. I do not mean the AI stuff, there was some other major part. Something like handoff but not handoff. I completely forgot what it was and searched online but searching without knowing what to search is a...challenge :-)

    Anybody here have any clue what it was or am I imagining things?

  • The two most upvoted comments on any Lemmy instance are on, but you won't see them on your own instance
  • PS: I just tried it without Photon and got another error.

    Anyway, all good and not something I can influence so I let it go :-)

  • The two most upvoted comments on any Lemmy instance are on, but you won't see them on your own instance
  • Can't even see these posts, I clicked and got:

    400 {"error":"couldnt_find_post"}

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • Yep, superiority complex it is...

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • You make no sense. The phrase has no connection nor intent in alliance with fascism. You showcase exactly what people are trying to point out and yet again, your only come back is a childish remark about some reddit exodus and in doing so trying to place yourself above others. Your message, if you have one that is, is lost due to your superiority complex.

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • Not the policies, I talked about the people advocating for that party

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • No, 'we' are not. If you take a step back and think about it, it makes perfect sense.
    Lots of noise and confusion, distrust, 'both siding', etc. And all of that happens magically around...presidential election time.

    I will maintain my position, tankies/greenparty are propped up to sow distrust and it is a well known mechanism from russia. Do I think all these poor lost souls are on a payroll? Of course not, if only they were. You can fix income, mentalissues are much tougher to solve. You can indoctrinate swarms of people to do your bidding if you take the time and effort. Again, exactly what russia decades ago started doing to the west. They are 'activated' (throw the right amount of messaging on several social media channels to do so) always, and I mean always, around presidential election time.

    A good question to ask would be why it is that Stein person is only in the picture around presidential election times. I never hear about the groundwork of a true party to gain ground on the more 'boring' levels that gain no notoriety or attention, like local boards, mayors, etc. Always they spring to life around presidential election times where they stand absolutely no chance. Why is that?

    And for greenparty/tankies to start calling other people delusional is just sad. Lost souls is what they are and I fear we will have to say goodbye to them as I see no real way to mend their minds, they are that lost.

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • Obviously they meant "tied for the Muslim vote"

    It wasn't obvious, it was a line constructed in fantasy and intended confusion. IAnd the way they argue and respond gives me hardcore troll vibes. These people are here to sow distrust, confusion and despair. In line with a country known for doing this kind of thing, russia.

    Tankies = Green Party

    It really is as simple as that.

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • Got caught spewing incomparable pictures and childish responses?

    Are Jill Stein and Tankies the same? Just asking questions....

  • FBI Uses January 6 Rioter’s Self-Published Amazon Book as Evidence Against Him
  • Reminds me of: "I killed Darnell, yeah I shot him with my nine I shot him nine times, 9PM on the dime And by the way it was November 9th" "Shot em with my long ass gun and threw it in the aquarium "

    It's just...words, a concept album book.

  • Ukrainian Intelligence hacks Russian TV channels to show truth about war
  • I have not seen the footage but I can imagine they elevated the Russian narrative from “special military operations” to “this is a very real war where Russia started to roll into Ukraine where massive amounts of people died, including Russian soldiers”. If this is the message Ukraine sent to the general public then I support that truth.

  • Slap-Ass Bros

    That was a subtle yet nice touch (pun intended) to see between these two. Absolutely casual and normal to them. These 2 are real friends.

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